Misunderstanding ~10~

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"Tomoyo, what kind of relationship did Derek have with Izumi?" Lori asked his first question.

Tomoyo looked over at the suspicious look on Loris face.

'I don't really know, but from what I've seen, I'm guessing he took advantage of him.'

"He was his... sex slave. More like he was his pet. He also manipulated a friend of mine, that is how I found out." Tomoyo looked down at his lap.

'I should be heading home...'

Lori was writing notes in his pad. He quickly lifted up his head once he was done.

"Is that all?" Tomoyo asked.

Lori frowned.

His deep brown eyes seemed to turn darker.

"Listen I'm not gonna be much of a help to you... I barely know what happened." Tomoyo stood up and left.

'I have to get home.'

Tomoyo went straight home once he got in the car.

He opened the door and walked in.

'So quiet in here...'

The room was cold and empty.

"Kyoto!" he called.

He searched all around the house.

The bathroom, the kitchen, the lounge room, the bedroom even the broom cupboards. but no Kyoto...

Tomoyo was slightly panicking, his heart thumping faster and faster.

He entered the bedroom again.

Tomoyo felt the bed where Kyoto was once lying.

Caressing the bed cover.

'He could have been taken! He wouldn't leave... would he? He has a shock collar! No... I couldn't use it... It would hurt him.'

Tomoyo got off the bed.

His heart was heavy, as he held his chest tears started to appear in his eyes.

The droplets close to falling out of his eyes.

"No... I won't!" his fists clenched and he tried to hold his mouth still. But it was no use.

Tomoyo lifted his hands to his head and wiped the tears away, but more kept coming.

He dropped to the floor, gripping the bed covers, making them fall off.

'What...' Tomoyo noticed something under the covers.

'The... collar?' He picked it up and examined it.

"How could this happen?"

He then picked up the key off of the ground.

'No...' His face grew weary.

'I think I'm gonna pass out.'

Tomoyo quickly opened the box he put the key inside and noticed that the note Kyou had given Tomoyo was on the top.

'No! Kyoto it was a misunderstanding! Your father loved you!' Tomoyo buried his face in his hands. Rubbing up and down out of distress.

'I have to find him!'

Then Tomoyo remembered something.

'But... He couldn't get out, I locked the door!' Tomoyo ran to the window straight away where he noticed a long line of clothes had been used for Kyoto to get out.

He ran to his room and noticed all the clothes he had bought for Kyoto were still there.

'Why would he leave this!'

Then his hand hovered over a crumpled up piece of paper.

He slowly un crumpled it and read.

Dear Tomoyo, if you're reading this then you'll know that I'm gone. I'm really sorry but I found the key and some extra information.
I'm sorry to leave you like this but, I just found out I'm the cause of Kyous death. I feel awful like it's all me to blame. I'm sorry I have caused you so much trouble. Ever since I started living with you I've brought you nothing but problems. I am sorry.
I have left and we may, never meet again... So please don't bother looking for me. Goodbye Tomoyo.

PS: I love you

Tomoyo sat there, in tears.

'I'm not losing him over some stupid misunderstanding!'

Tomoyo got up and went straight out the door, still holding the letter in his hand.

'Where do I even look for him?'

What happened next, some might call it fate. But this was something that made Tomoyos one minute search, end.

Bzz Bzz, Tomoyos pager was going off.


It was Lori.

"Tomoyo! I think we caught the bastard!" Lori shouted with excitement.

Tomoyo still wasn't 100% happy.

"Hey, also at the time he was kidnapping some kid, and he has a criminal record, we caught two in one go! Like killing two birds with one stone."

'K-kid? No... it couldn't be... could it!?'

Tomoyo had a gut feeling who that kid was.

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