It's a deadly choice ~17 (Final)

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Kyoto POV

The morning after we had embarked on our next steps into consummating our relationship... Something was strange with Tomoyo.

I remember my eyes fluttering open about an hour or so after we had both fallen asleep.

My memory isn't the sharpest but the image of Tomoyo sitting on the end of the bed crying is tattooed into my brain.

I cannot forget... the way he looked.

'Is he ashamed?' was my first thought... but a whole new level of paranoia infected my mind.

'He realises he hates me? Or maybe he hates himself? maybe he was using me? Is this my fault?' Several ideas popped into my head at once.

"T-tomoyo..." I rasped out of my dry, worn out mouth.

After calling out his name he flinched, like he didn't know anyone else was in this room.

The tears stopped coming, he made no sound, not a whimper.

He lifted his head from his hands, it was shining with tears.

"Kyoto..." He sighed in relief.

I pulled the sheets up as my naked body arose from the bed.

I playfully kicked him through the sheets.

"What's the matter?" I whined pulling a worried face.

Tomoyo looked down at his feet as he shifted them through the fuzzy carpet.

Then looking into my eyes with those gorgeous blue orbs.

"Whatever do you mean?" He flipped his hair and stretched out onto the bed poking me in the arm with his fingertips.

"Tears?" I teased as I pointed at his shimmering cheeks that had been plastered in wetness.

"A... ah..." No audible words came out from his trembling lips.

He let out a long sigh of regret.

"O-oh... That..." He touched his cheeks with the palms of his hands as he squished them up.

"I'm just... so happy!" He fake smiled at me... I could tell that was not his real smile.

I let out a sigh of annoyance as he gave me a baffled look.

"Tell me what you really want to say." The stare I gave him was so plain and blank.

Averting his eyes from me once again he groaned and small droplets of sweat gushed from his forehead.

"I don't want to ruin the mood..." Guiltiness splashed across his face.

I shrugged it off, even though I wanted him to stay happy.

"There was never a mood." though that was not what I intended to say, it spilt out of me.

A pained look overtopped the Guiltiness on his face as he swallowed the lump in his throat.

"I see..."

"Just say it..." I grabbed his hand and placed it on my knee as I squeezed him tight, like no matter what. I'd never let go.

Tomoyo inhaled and began talking again, what he wanted to say was going to be said.

"I love you. But I have a feeling... It's not you I love. I was in love with Kyou... So much, the feeling still lingers here, in my heart. Kyou has lived inside me for a long time... although I feel he his slowly dying off and being replaced. I promised him NO one would ever make me forget him... I'm beginning to think I'm only falling in love with you... because you are a part of Kyou... I don't think I'm in love with you Kyoto." His voice trembled in his last sentence.

My body had become paralysed.

The stiffness overwhelmed me.

'What is he saying?'

My lips quivered and my hands fidgeted.

I couldn't bring myself to look at him.

But from my "view" I could see he had been hanging his head in shame.

My hand stopped squeezing his.

Stillness overtook the room.

'There actually was a mood... but it's gone now.'

After sitting in about a minute of silence I decided it was time to move and say something.

Something from the Heart.

Something that I knew for sure.

"You ARE in love with me. Don't even doubt it... because it's true." I raised my head and squeezed his hand again as tight as I could.

"Sometimes you just have to move on. It's been fifteen years since he passed on. Yet I was the first person you have ever looked at since then. Even though you may think you only "liked" me because I look like him, it's the individual that counts. I was nothing like my father. Yet you could fall in love with the opposite of him. It has to mean something!" Once reaching the end my eyes were fixed on his beautiful deep blue ones.

I exhaled and inhaled loudly, gasping for air.

"I..." Tomoyo grovelled.

He began to face me and hold both of my hands, like we were summoning a demon or a spirit.

"I love you. It's time I gave my heart to someone... who can accept it." He leaned forward giving me a compassionate hug, clinging to my back, his nails dug deep into my skin.

This was followed by a soft peck on the cheek.

"Before we go any further... I have one thing to ask of you." He patted my shoulder as my blush grew all the way up to my ears.

"Hm?" I tilted my head.

"The deal is off... you aren't my pet... which means..."

I opened my mouth halfway through.

"You can leave..."

Automatically I stood on both my feet and pointed at him with my shaky finger.

"No! you can't get rid of me just like that." I snapped my finger at him and I shook my hips.

"Which is why... You have a choice... Leave... or Stay... It's simple."

He rose from the end of the bed.

"I'll give you some time."

He walked away edging towards the door I grabbed him by the arm. His soft skin made me tingle all over.

"My minds made up..."

"Tch..." He sniggered at me.

"I-" I was cut off by my hand.

'You can leave...' I told myself unknowingly.

'But what else do you have? Nothing... You have nothing remember! You are a bum! no home no job no money!'

"I'm staying."

'I love him...'

The smile that bloomed on his face was priceless.

"That's what I wanted to hear."

~...___-----___.END.___-----___ ...~

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