Angry Broly x helpful reader

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Description: Knowing Broly since birth you know what to do to calm the raging boy especially after he loses control during a fight.

No-ones pov

"KAKKAROT!" You sighed and held his hand tighter as he lunged for Said man you dragged him away from the training group and growled "Broly calm down now!" He snarled and struggled more.

You sighed again and cupped his face in your hands and stared into his beautiful black eyes your rare e/c eyes stared back "ok Broly look at me and deep breath ok?"

He did what you asked and slowly his green hair calmed down and turned back to black you smiled. 

"See Broly you did it" He nodded frowning softly you frowned as well. Lifting his chin up you kissed his cheek as he blushed.

"There now that's the Broly I know and love" you manly giggled as he blushed even more. 

Goku and Vegeta stood not to far from you two eye widening as you disappeared and appeared in front of them growling lowly.

You smack Goku on the head and he whined "oww! Y/n why did you hit me?!" You growled being a slightly taller male then him "I told you a thousand times Goku not to piss Broly off!"

Sighing you dragged Broly into the house and sat him down as he sighed "thank you y/n your always helping me calm my anger but how?" you smirked.

"I'm a man of mystery Broly and that's all I'm saying".......

Edited on Wednesday 14th August 2024

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