Krillin x helpful reader

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Description: You've always been helpful to Krillin even as kids and when he and 18 fight and after having enough you put an end to it.

No-ones PoV

You sighed watching Krillen and 18 argue as you held a nearly 1 year old Maron. As she cried onto your chest.

Hushing her softly you took her inside and placed her in her crib smiling gently at her "don't worry sweetie uncle y/n will fix this" 

She babbled cutely and you chuckled before turning around. Frowning at both arguing parents.

"Alright that's enough!" You growled out both of them stopped and turned to look at you with shock.

"Don't give me that look!" You exclaimed and continued "your little girl is barely a year old and so far all she knows about this world is that her parents argue 24-7!"

Taking a deep breath you sighed "listen I know your going through stuff at the moment but your daughter doesn't need to see or hear her parents argue all the time!" 

Looking at 18 you sighed again "18 why don't you take Marron out for a walk while Krillin and I stay here"

She nodded and went to collect Marron as Krillin sat down near the cliff side. Frowning you sat next to him.

" what am I doing wrong y/n?" You looked at him confused and he sighed "me and 18 always argue and I don't want Maron to know that's all her parents do!"

Patting his back you chuckled "listen don't tell Goku I said this but at least your there for your wife Goku isn't" he looked shocked but you continued.

"What I mean is even though he's never there for his family, Krillin you've got the perfect wife and a beautiful baby girl don't through that away over a petty argument " 

Your smiled before patting his back "love is love Krillen and you've got a pretty good set up bro"

He smiled at you chuckling softly along side you as you both stared at the setting sun.

"Thanks y/n your really helpful"........

Edited on Wednesday 28th August 2024

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