Injured SSJ4 Vegeta x female nurse reader

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Description: After finding Vegeta alone and badly wounded in the forest you dragged him back to your cabin we're you use your experience as a nurse to heal him.

No-ones pov

You walked along the forests edge smiling in content. Only to trip on something and fall face first. Groaning you sat up and looked at what you trip on and gasped.

There laid a male covered in red fur with a tail and reddish black spiky mane like hair laying on his side bleeding heavily. 

You got up and grabbed his shoulders and began to drag him back to your cabin grunting slightly "dam your heavy!"

Laying him on the bed you went into the kitchen and got your first-aid kit and went to work on his side. Continuously watching him in case he wakes up.


You yawned finally finishing up his side and finally stopped the bleeding. Wrapping his side up you tidied up and put your first-aid kit away.

Jumping when you heard a grunt and a loud noise coming from your room gasping you ran in and stopped seeing the man. 

He was standing up and holding his side while looking at it confused. He must of heard you as he turned and locked eyes with you and growled.

Before you could move you found yourself yelping and slammed into a wall as the mans hand wrapped around you neck. 

You held his arms with your hands trying to push him off he leaned his face in and growled in a deep voice "who are you and were am I?'

You pointed at his hand and he let go collapsing to the ground. You gasped for air and panted standing up you held the wall for support.

"My Names y/n and your in my home" he looked at you "why?" You sighed "I found you in the woods badly injured I'm a trained Nurse so I took care of your wound" he looked at you as his tail flicked back and fourth.

He grunted and hissed holding his side as he sat back down on the bed seeing blood start to appear. You gasped and grabbed more bandages and walked towards him. 

He growls at you and you glared at him e/c meeting yellow "I have to change the bandage and stop the bleeding or you'll pass out again"

Nodding he let you work watching you intently as you gently wrapped the wound back up and smiled at him "there all done!"

"Vegeta" you looked at him "huh?" He sent a small smile your way.

"My names Vegeta thank you for taking care of my wound"......

Edited on Tuesday 20th August 2024

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