Read my mind

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Training with Loki takes an unexpected turn when things get out of hand.


Training with Loki was your favourite.

It was a rare occasion too, which only made you look forward to it even more when you were both free on the same day. It was odd when you thought about it, you always finished absolutely shattered, probably injured and ready for a long sleep, yet you preferred it to training with anyone else. It also made sense though, because Loki was the only one who didn't treat it like a lesson, who wasn't scared to get hurt, or for you to get a bit hurt either for that matter. It was the most likely training to help you in real life, compared to your training with Steve, who would tell you exactly what he was about to do and how you should react before either of you had even moved. You knew he meant well, but it was too unrealistic, what attacker told you how he was about to attempt to try and stab you before he did it?

So that was why you liked training with Loki. Well, one of the reasons. It would be a lie if you said you didn't find Loki a teeny tiny bit attractive. Obviously that wasn't the only reason you... felt things, for him. He was funny, in a sarcastic kind of way (your favourite kind), and just all round mysterious. Being unable to pinpoint exactly what it was about him that you liked so much was driving you crazy; you were just determined to find out about him. The attractive part wasn't doing anything to help.

This point was to be proven to you in about five seconds time. You were already in the training room, looking out one of the floor to ceiling windows stretching across an entire wall of the room, contemplating the view and thinking about, well, the attractive part. The attractive eyes to be specific.

You were deep in thought, when all of a sudden your feet weren't on the floor anymore. You let out a gasp of surprise as you were flipped off of your feet, and hit the floor hard, on your back. Then you were looking up into said attractive eyes. He'd bought you swiftly back down to Earth, literally.

"Never get distracted when there's a possibility of danger." Loki told you, holding out his hand with a smirk. Glaring at him and ignoring the ache in your back, you knocked his hand away and struggled to your feet.

"I didn't do anything wrong then. I don't consider you dangerous." you said haughtily, clenching your jaw as you faced him and noticed how especially good he looked this morning. Typical. Did he ever have a bad hair day?

"Well you should." he countered, holding back a smile as he watched you roll your eyes. You were the only person around here who made him want to smile. It was odd. He had learnt to tolerate these people at the compound since they'd started being civil towards him, and maybe even enjoyed their company once in a while. You were one of these few people. But it was still strange, there was something different with you. Good different.

Suddenly Loki was flat on his back. He'd stared at you for a second too long and you'd taken advantage. But it was difficult to feel triumphant when your heart was racing, why had he been looking at you like that? Was it possible...? No, stop getting distracted Y/N.

"Never get distracted when there's a possibility of danger." you mimicked, putting emphasis on the word 'distracted' and holding out your hand. Big mistake. Loki grabbed your outstretched arm and flipped you over as easily as if you were a pancake, pinning you to the ground with his magic. You fought against it angrily, glaring at him from the floor as he stood up, unable to speak.

"I don't consider you dangerous." he told you, but there was no cocky smirk to accompany it, and... was he blushing?! He definitely looked flustered. There was something going on with him; you needed to find out what. A plan, you needed a plan. Suddenly the magic was lifted and you scrambled to your feet immediately, breathing hard. It was game time.

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