Disneyland (part three)

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It had been three months since Tony had asked you to become an Avenger, and you could honestly say that it had been the best three months of your life. You'd learnt more about your power with the help of Wanda and Loki and could now move objects of any shape or size, and create a shield with your magic. You'd been through training and even been on your first mission last week, just you and Peter Parker (with whom you had fast become firm friends with) which had been interesting to say the least. It wasn't even really a mission, more of a test for the two of you as you were the newest Avengers, and Tony had been watching you both closely with back-up on stand-by.

Hm. Upon reflection, it hadn't really been a mission at all. Oh well, you were still going to count it.

You had completed the 'mission' and passed the test, that was the important thing, despite a few minor... inconveniences, as Peter had called them. Honestly though, it hadn't been your fault that Peter had chased your target straight off the edge of a very tall building; you'd had to catch the falling man from more than a hundred feet in the air and get him down to the ground safely. It was the hardest you'd ever had to work in your life, but you'd managed to get him down safely and just about not pass out. Peter had then landed beside him and trapped him in a cocoon of web before he could get away, adamant that that would make up for nearly killing the man.

Luckily Tony had seen the funny side of the situation ("We were just trying to scare him a little Mr. Stark!"), and you'd both been officially recruited as Avengers. There had been a 'recruitment' party that night, curtesy of Tony (of course) which had been a lot of fun, except for one thing.

Loki had been there. Usually this wouldn't have been a problem, you wanted to spend as much time around Loki as possible, but that night he had been wearing That shirt and Those jeans... it was safe to say you'd been slightly distracted. Not that you'd made it obvious to anyone, no one could catch you looking, especially not Loki. Because the truth was your stupid crush on Loki had recently turned into a full-blown heartache situation.

Spending so much time around him had made you realize just how much you liked him, no, loved him. The time for 'liking' him was long gone; this was something entirely different and much bigger. Whenever the others would make fun of him or Tony called him 'reindeer games' (which was often) he would roll his eyes and go along with it, but you felt a weird protectiveness over him, and felt that unfamiliar tight feeling in your chest.

It was typical, you'd gone and fallen for the person who rarely showed his emotions and was never going to return your feelings. Brilliant, good job Y/N.

Exactly a week after your first 'mission' (you and Peter refused to call it a test), you were eating breakfast with Wanda and Thor at the breakfast bar listening to Tony talking to someone on the phone, trying to work out who was on the other end and what they were discussing. A few seconds later Loki walked in accompanied by Nat, and you felt your heart perform a familiar backflip, and then felt a twinge of jealously when you caught Nat smiling at something he had said. Your gaze dropped back down to your toast and you tried not to think anything of it. That was hard work.

Your thoughts were interrupted by Tony dropping the phone back into its holder and turning to address you all.

"Listen up you lot, we have a new mission."

You nearly cricked your neck you looked up so quickly. An actual mission! Where you could actually use your powers for good! Paying close attention to Tony's words you didn't think about Loki for at least three minutes, surely a personal best.

Unfortunately, that was more than could be said for Loki, who hardly listened to what Tony was saying. He was concentrating on how your hair was about three different colours in the sunlight coming through the wide windows, subtle differences between the shades, and when you moved your head ever so slightly the colours would ripple across your head like... damn. He'd done it again. He was meant to not be looking at or thinking of you to try and get rid of that odd feeling he got whenever he was around you.

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