"I missed you"

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Prompt from lvleelaufey : Y/N is a cleaning maid on Asgard and she gets assigned to clean Loki's chambers by Loki himself. 

A/N: okay so this wasn't really the prompt but I really wanted to write something from the gap between parts one and two of MTB when Y/N is working as a maid in the palace on Asgard and Loki is pretending to be Odin.


Sif's sword clashes hard against yours; you barely manage to deflect her blow before she's whipped around and has her sword pointing directly at your unguarded chest.

You sigh in defeat, lowering your sword, and she grins at you, following suit.

"You're getting there. Again?" she asks, and you nod, returning to a defensive stance.

You've only been learning to sword fight for just under a month, and she's right, you are getting there. You just wish you could get there a bit faster. Not that it'll do you any good.

Loki had shot you down almost before you'd even had a thought about going off to fight alongside Sif's contingent.

You swing your sword upwards to meet Sif's as she attacks, and then the two of you are locked in combat. It takes almost all of your concentration not to resort to using your magic; you can feel it just below the surface, ready to jump out of you at any moment.

This time you actually manage to disarm Sif, and give a triumphant laugh as you do so, only to find yourself with a knife to your neck seconds later.

"Just to prove that I can always win." Sif grins, tilting her head sideways.

She's supposed to be making you feel better! But if she wants to play dirty...

You let your magic escape, and in a split second the knife which was previously to your neck is in your hand, alongside Sif's sword, and Sif is on her back on the ground in front of you.

"Just to prove that I can always win." you smirk, tossing her knife to the ground beside her.

"Not without cheating." she scowls, getting to her feet in annoyance.

"I'm not cheating. I'm using my resources, just like you did." you tell her matter of factly.

"I sense angst in the air." Fandral's voice rings out across the courtyard, and Sif rolls her eyes.

"She's upset that she can't beat me." you call to him, and Sif smacks your leg with the blunt edge of her sword, causing you to wince in pain.

"I see," Fandral grins. "Odin wants all the servants in the throne room, Y/N."

You sigh, reaching down to reclaim your sword, and walk backwards away from Sif.

"Same time tomorrow?" you ask.

"See you then." she replies, still disgruntled from your act of 'cheating'. You're smiling as you jog to the armoury to quickly dump your sword and armour before looking around surreptitiously and casting an illusion to change into your maid's clothes.

You hurry through the corridors of the palace and slip into the throne room pretty much unnoticed. The entirety of the palace's servants are stood, waiting for Odin to appear. The atmosphere is one of annoyance; everyone has correctly guessed that there is to be yet another ball tomorrow night.

Loki loves hosting balls almost as much as he loves putting on plays.

You join your small group of friends towards the side of the room and pretend to join in with their annoyance at Odin, until finally he enters the room. You'll never get used to the sheer peculiarity of seeing Loki as Odin. You, of course, can see Loki primarily, but for everyone else to see Odin, and believe that it's Odin.

So odd.

Loki... Odin, begins to talk, and there are disgruntled mutters throughout the room as he announces that there is to be another ball. You can't help but sort of agree with the majority of the crowd. There's been four in the last month already.

You love the whole big, fancy ball concept, and you always end up having the best time, but you'd rather not have to organise the balls. What with you pretending to be a maid. Well, you suppose you actually are a maid.

It had seemed like a great plan when you'd first arrived.

Come with me.

The short meeting comes to an end, with Odin apparently not taking any questions, and you excuse yourself from your small group of friends to follow him from the room. You turn invisible as you leave, following Loki silently through the corridors which lead to his private chambers.

You were being overly careful, you knew, but neither of you wanted to take any risks. You'd already almost been caught a few times, and that was something that couldn't be allowed to happen.

You're stressed?

Yes, I have a ball to prepare in less than forty eight hours.

He rolls his eyes at that. You can't see his face, but you'll bet your soul that he did.

You teleport ahead of him into his room as he walks through the door and shuts it behind him, moving towards you. You hold up a hand and step back.

"What?" he asks, stopping in his tracks.

You just look at him, waiting for him to notice.

"Oh." he realises, dropping his illusion. He's him again.

"How long?" you ask.

"About three and a half minutes." he tells you.

"What was the point then?" you ask, smiling tiredly.

"I missed you," he frowns, taking your hands in his. "Is that not allowed?"

It still strikes you as odd that you escaped from Midgard to live together, and yet the only time you really get to spend together is at night. But you'd talked about this, at length, and you'd both agreed that you'd rather live like this on Asgard than live normally (whatever that meant) somewhere else.

Besides the fact that Loki had already put Odin in an old people's home on Midgard. The thought still makes you smirk.

"It is allowed, I suppose." you smile up at him, and he kisses you.

"Am I throwing too many dances?" he asks you, when you pull away.

"Yes." you say blatantly. He pulls a face and looks away out of the window, frowning. You watch him, smiling.

"But you are king." you add. That makes him smile, as you knew it would.

"Mm, I am," he agrees, before looking back down at you. "You don't really mind, do you?"

You shake your head.

"No. What else would I be doing?" you ask him.

"I don't know. Waiting for it to get dark?" he suggests playfully. You grin at him.

"You joke, but..."


In less than a split second Loki is Odin again and you're invisible. A guard appears around the door. You can't help but smile at how ridiculously suspicious Odin looks stood in the middle of his room, apparently doing absolutely nothing.

"The meeting..."

"Yes, yes. I'm on my way." Odin says, and the guard nods and stands to one side.

Odin doesn't look left or right as he leaves the room, but Loki throws you an apologetic look. You blow him a kiss, and he smiles.

See you later.

Then he's gone.

It's not ideal. But it's definitely worth it. 

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