Part 7~ Feels Like Home

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"And if you knew how happy, you are making me, oh I never thought I'd love anyone, so much"


So, when he got out, Louis moved in with me.

"It's beautiful,” Louis giggled, as best he could through the strain in his lungs, and then turned to smile at me. "Thank you, my love"

"Don't thank me, I love you, and this is what people who love each other do, they live together" I smiled, leaning down and kissing him gently. "C'mon, we'll unpack and then I'll make you dinner"

After a few hours of unpacking, me doing the work and telling Louis off when he attempted to do any heavy lifting, I went to have a shower, and Louis went into the kitchen, determined to cook dinner.

"Just, be careful alright?" I said to him and he took some tomatoes out of the fridge.

"Oh shove off and let me cook,” he sassed, attempting to push me from the kitchen.

"Ok, ok, I'm going" I laughed, hands raised up in mock surrender, and then walked from the kitchen and into my - Louis and I's- bathroom to shower.

After my shower I quickly dressed and made my way back to the kitchen, smiling when I heard Louis soft, but beautiful voice.

"-Oh I never thought I'd love anyone so much-"

"You have a beautiful voice, my love" I smiled, watching as Louis jumped in fright from my sudden appearance. "I'm sorry if I startled you, you just sounded lovely"

"N-not really" Louis stuttered, a pink blush colouring his cheeks.

"Yes really" I replied and then took the wooden spoon from his hand when I saw it shaking slightly. "Go pick a movie, love. I can finish dinner"

Louis looked like he wanted to protest, but I raised my eyebrows and he smiled gently. "Don’t be too long"

"So how do you like the flat, babe" I asked about an hour later after we had finished eating dinner and were snuggled up on the couch watching Love Actually.

"It feels like home"

Lemons~ Zouis AUWhere stories live. Discover now