Part 17~ Once In A Lifetime

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"When I close my eyes, all the stars a line, and you are by my side"


I never got to tell Louis that I adopted him a cat.

He died on Christmas Eve 2014 at 9:04pm. His 21st birthday.

So now, I own a pure black cat called midnight, just like Louis always wanted.

He's a cute little creature, happy and content with his life. He loves me, I think, and that's all that I really wanted from him, just for him to love me like Louis did.

I miss Louis.

I miss his laugh

I miss his smile

I miss his beautiful voice

I miss his smell

I miss his warmth

I miss his jokes

I. Miss. Louis

It hurts really, knowing that when I come home from home everyday he won't be there. Knowing that my flat will be cold and empty, except of course for Midnight, he's always there. He helps me really.

Mum's been around a bit, just to check up, making sure I won't do something stupid. I wouldn't, I know Louis would be angry with me if I did.

A new girl at work tried to hit on me. I yelled at her. 

It's only been a month. One month

Even if it were more than a month, maybe a year, maybe ten, I'd never go for anyone.

A love like Louis’ and mine is only something that happens once in a lifetime.

I miss Louis

Sometimes I think I hear him calling me...

It’s never him.

I miss Louis

At the funeral, I passed out... they took me to hospital to check on me, and now I'm on anti-depressants.

I'm not depressed I just miss him

But I know I have to wait.

One day, I'll see him again, and we'll dance in the stars just like he said, but until, it's not my time

I miss Louis.


I'm off the anti-depressants.

I feel better, I still miss Louis, but it's not so much a gaping hole in my heart anymore, just a puncture.

I met a little boy the other day, his name was Niall, and he was out on a field trip with the orphanage. 

His eyes were just like Louis.


I adopted Niall


It was Niall’s 4th birthday yesterday.

Mum, dad and the girls came over and we all had cake and gave Ni presents.

Mum says I'm brave, looking after a 4 year old on my own, but I know Louis' watching over Ni, and me even if he's never met him, Niall's his son...


Dear Louis,

It's been one year,

Happy Birthday and Merry Christmas Louis,

Niall and I love you xxx

Your Zayn x

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