Beautiful Moon

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"Make sure you let out lots of farts when you walk with Tae Tae, okay?"

A small wolf giggled as he listened carefully to the female doctor who gently ruffled his hair. Taehyung who was her assistant nurse smiled brightly and started to walk with the small patient as they did what the lady instructed.

"What do we say to Healer Jung?" Taehyung sing-song and the pup smiled brightly at the pretty noona.

"Thank you!!!"

The female doctor, called Healer Jung or in more casual terms, Yein- waved at the pup before tucking her hands into her white coat as she turned around , ready to make her rounds. She was tired but refused to let her tiredness affect her work and proceeded to the elderly ward with a bright smile. Yein was one of the few doctors inside the village and was fortunate to be acknowledged as one of the best in the North- due to her miracle performances and clever ideas that she came up in the past that has prevented many mass deaths. It took a while but she was now acknowledged by the elders as one of the board members of the Medic & Health Ministry in the village. However, Yein's goal is never for fame or authority but merely the power to help as many people as she can, and it may be the reason why she was one of the most loved people in the village.

"Jung Yein! Are you busy right now?" The head minister of the Health and Medic department- Kim Seokjin asked with some desperation in his voice.

Yein bowed in respect, "No, I was just about to finish my rounds but I can get Taehyung to handle them."

"Despite being a nurse he really should be known as a doctor as well." Seokjin praised her childhood friend causing Yein to smile with pride.  "Same goes for you, Healer Jung. I'm looking for a successor soon since my Myungeun is about to give birth soon and I need someone to stand in for some time."

"The offer sounds lovely but you know how our previous pack's nature is, there is someone out there that is more fit for the role." She politely declined with a small bow and Seokjin chuckled. They always did say third time lucky is a charm but it was clear the young doctor had no plans to take his spot.

"Well there is no harm thinking about it. In the meantime, would you be able to help me conduct the standard check up for the new refugees?"

Yein nodded with a smile, it brought back memories when she had just arrived at the Northern- Star pack seeking refuge after the slaughter of her previous pack. She can remember how scared everyone was, but she knew deep down in her heart that this was the right path to take and she could proudly say that she loved her present home. The people of the Northern-Star pack were everything she expected and even welcomed them more warmly than she expected and she was blessed to work as a medic and only took the promotion to Doctor due to the amount of people who refused to acknowledge her as a mere medic. However, she didn't care about the title she was given because it didn't change her mission; to save as many people as she could with her hands and her skills.


Yein was definitely taken back by the state of the pack, they were malnourished, weak, frail and it broke her heart seeing so many hurt and sick. She had just finished the section that Seokjin had assigned her until she heard a loud alpha yell for help as he held onto a young man that looked weak and had serve problems breathing.

"Someone! Medic!!"

She immediately ran towards the alpha that towered over her, "Here, put him down here!"

The alpha did as he was told and Yein immediately started to diagnose possible reasons for his lack of breathing. She opened his mouth and leaned down and could hear him gasping for air, this meant his airway was blocked and she needed to check his lungs. She continued her diagnosis and as soon as she found the problem she didn't hesitate to act; taking out a small knife she cut open the man's rags and started pressing around his chest. When she found what she was looking for she swiftly cut into the skin but was abruptly stopped by the alpha from before.

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