Kiss me (2)

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"Jeon Jungkook?"

Jungkook was snapped out of his trance by his friend, Taehyung. He was currently at his manor that he shared with his new fiancé, as they invited their friends over for tea at their new home. Kim Namjoon, heir to the automobile industry, he was currently sipping on his cup of tea as he gave Jungkook a curious look as well as Kim Seokjin and Min Yoongi. He blinked and noticed that he had dropped his cup of tea on the floor.

"Oh lord, I am so sorry Taehyung!" He stumbled and the others gave a concern look to Jungkook, as Taehyung chuckled at his clumsiness and told the maids to clean the mess he created.

"Jungkook, are you okay?" Namjoon asked. Seokjin glanced at the young prince but returned back to sipping on his tea. He hadn't told anyone what he had witnessed the other day in city however he knew that this young woman was affecting him, severely as well.

"Y-yes? Why wouldn't I be?" He chuckled, however everyone seemed to have read through him like a window.

"Has it got to do with a young lasso?" Yoongi asked, almost instantly Jungkook and Seokjin froze on their spot. Of course, it was no other than Min Yoongi, he was a clever deductive man and there was a reason why he was working with Scotland Yard.

There was silence as if it was a taboo subject, after all Jungkook wasn't like their good friend Hoseok who always found a way with women, or Taehyung who had settled down with someone, or Namjoon and Yoongi who have someone already, or even Seokijin who had a secret mistress that no one had known about. He was the only lad out of them who had not experienced or gone into the waters of love, he was so innocent and oblivious to the boundaries of love.

"Oh my, why is the atmosphere so dark?" Sujeong gasped as she walked with her friends and sat at the table under the trees where the males were taking refuge. She took her seat next to Taehyung while the other males had their partners do the same, leaving poor Jungkook all alone.

"Jungkook dear, you look like you are dying to ask a question." Sujeong teased and the said young man blushed and shook his hands as he denied the fact. "I am only teasing darling, do ask your question I will answer anything for the prince of my nation."

Jungkook sometimes forgot his title around his friends as he was so casual around them , he always told them to forget such formalities as he felt there was no need as he was just a young man called Jeon Jungkook and happened to be related to the king, nothing more or less.

"May I talk to you privately?"

Sujeong and Taehyung looked at one another, both worried. Jungkook hardly talked to Sujeong privately plus Taehyung knew that Jungkook had no problems with her but it still worried why Jungkook wanted to talk to her, alone.

"What type of flowers does Miss Yein like?" he played with his fingers like a shy child. Honestly Sujeong couldn't believe that the man in front of her was the same age as her.

"Jungkook, do you like Yein?"

"Why of course, she is the kindest person in the world and who wouldn't like her! She's a great-"

"Not as a friend." Sujeong said with a soft gaze that made Jungkook blink several times. "There is no doubt that you are not interested in her, and I could tell from the moment you laid eyes on her."

"I don't know about love... but I like being around her." Jungkook explained while they sat down under a tree. "She is the most beautiful woman I have ever seen- of course after my mother." He added quickly which Sujeong chuckled, "And she makes me feel happy, and this weird fuzzy feeling, and its almost like whenever I spend time with her it's never enough. I want to be with her all the time; she comes not only into my dreams at night but during the day as well. I can never help but wonder what is she doing? Is she tired? Does she think about me like how I think about her all the time? Is she happy now? I pray to god that she hasn't hurt herself, and-"

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