Chapter 7

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"You know you're in love when you can't fall asleep because reality is finally better than your dreams."  Doctor Seuss

Blue's Prov:

"You lucky bitches!"

Akira once again calls both Sabrina and me lucky we have entertaining lives. Sabrina and I just ignore the fact that in the car she told us her very detailed story about a recent threesome she had with two boys. We were all in Sabrina's pink and blue decorated room getting ready for the boxing tournament happening in a few hours. When we arrived at their white mansion, we greeted their parents, ate some food, took a much-needed nap, each took a shower, and now we are gossiping about today's events. I was sitting in a swirly chair while Sabrina carefully straightens my hair. Akira was on the other side doing her makeup in a large bright mirror. Sabrina was already almost done claiming she wants to take time with me. Needless to say, I am really scared about my results.

"We aren't lucky, Aki." She paused before continuing brushing/ parting a strand of my hair and applying the hot straightener to it. "Well, I wasn't lucky."

Akira snickers. "Yeah, Brad falling on his ass had to be embarrassing."

"It was" Sabrina whines taking another strand of my long hair. I sigh tapping away on my phone playing my favorite mobile game. I felt bad for Sabrina. She has to witness Dante as his worst. He was said to be rude and now I believe that since my friend was there for the whole troubling scene.

"Must have been scary starring at the finest man on earth. I bet his friends were just as sexy as well." Akira says curling her eyelashes with ease. Her hair was already curled and dyed dark red at the ends. She was going to be beautiful tonight.

"I-I wasn't looking....that much." Sabrina stutters pulling my hair again to make it straight. I know she was having some trouble since my hair refused to be tamed.

"Bitch! Don't fucking lie." Akira warns patting a blush on her cheeks.

"I'm not lying—" Sabrina tries but fails to make her voice noting but high-pitched. I drum my fingers feeling awkward listening to this conversation.

"Please, any man or woman would stare at him if they got the chance." Akira mocks patting down the finishing touches on her makeup.

"Well, I didn't—"

"I would look." I interrupt her. Silence and shock fill the room as my cheeks burn.

Why would I say that out loud?

Both Akira and Sabrina laugh.

"Babe, I always knew you had a type. Bad boys." She winks gasping muttering she forgot her fake lashes.

"N-No! He is just nice to look at that's all."  I stammer chewing on my bottom lip. He is very nice to look at from afar when he doesn't know that I am looking.

Gosh, Blue you sound like a freakin stocker.

She turns to me raising her perfect brow. Her makeup looks stunning. "Well, then what is your type because it isn't Carter."

"I think you guys would be cute" Akira gushes.

I sigh defeated in this debate. "He has a girlfriend." I remind them.

Akira  dismisses my statement "So, you are so much better than the devil he is dating right now."

"Yeah, she is so fake. She only hangs out with me because I'm dating a college boy." Sabrina adds taking another strand of my hair. I almost forget she is doing it.

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