Chapter 10

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"Our sweetest songs are those that tell of saddest thought."
– Percy Bysshe Shelley

Blue's Prov:🦋


I wince as the nurse applies more disinfectant to the minor cuts on my arms. It has not been a good week for me. Hope has been hurting me non-stop ever since the fight and her finding out about my encounter with her boyfriend. Joan has been harassing me about being more engaged in school activities and stopping being locked up in my room. So, I volunteered at the library after school. That was my mistake because Hope and her minions have been tormenting me every chance they get. What's worse? Carter tries to talk to me, but I ignore him, and every time I interact with him, Hope finds a new way to torture me. Also, Dante has been trying to contact me through school by sending me flowers, candies, and brackets to the front desk addressed to me. He was sweet, but Hope took his many presents away. She shoved the roses he gave me into my knee, causing little thorns to dig my sensitive skin. I spent hours in the bathroom crying and trying to take them out of my knee without causing any suspicion.

Today, Thursday has been her worst torture day so far. She managed to sprain my wrist, saying she was tired of looking at the locket tattoo I had seen birth. She despises it, so she sprained my wrist so a cast would be over it. Hope was good, though, making it look like an accident. My lie would be that I fell on my wrist during gym class—when she accidentally pushed me and stepped on my wrist, making my already sprain even worse.

Currently, I was in the nurse's office, cradling my wrist, tears streaming down my face. The kind nurse (Miss Quinn) gently placed bandages on my minor cuts. My knee was busy as well, and I was limping too. Joan was coming to pick me up to take me to the hospital for a proper cast and treatment.

Nurse Quinn gently taps my shoulder, and I glance up at her. She smiles sadly, pointing to the wrist I was cradling.

"I-It's s-sprained." I cried, wiping my tears with my sweatshirt sleeve. She nods, taking my injured wrist and examining it. I flinched under her touch, scared she might hurt me too.

"Blue, sweetie. Calm down. I won't hurt you. Would you like some ice?" Miss Quinn asks sweetly. Holding my hurt wrist to my chest for protection, I shift in my seat.

"Y-Yes, please," I mumble softly. She grins in encouragement, goes towards her supplies, and makes.  I have an ice bag. My wrist was pounding and super hot. It freaking hurts. Nurse Quinn handed me the ice bag, and I carefully placed it on my wrist. I sigh in relief as the pain subsides a little, but not much.

"Your mother called. She should be here shortly." Miss Quinn informs me. "Would you like anything else?" She questions me. I shake my head, looking down at my black Converse shoes. I hear Miss Quinn start to type on her computer so silence isn't heard throughout the room.

"Blue! Oh my goodness! Are you okay?" Akira shouts, barging into the nurse's office. She gasps dramatically, looking at my wrist and bruises on my arms. She came closer, sitting beside me on the nurse's bed. I sigh, shifting a little to make some room for her.

"Akira, don't you have a class?" Miss Quinn inquires sternly, raising an eyebrow at her. Akira showed her a pink pass, clearing her from any more authoritative questions.

"Alright, you can take until her mom gets here." Miss Quinn mutters, typing aggressively on her computer. Akira frowns, looking down at my wrist.

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