14. Miss Crazy

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Y'all aren't ready for this.

I kind of hate this chapter though lol.


"What would happen if you did that?" I ask Belleza as I point to my television screen

Christopher Wilde is currently talking to Jessica in the middle of the dance floor.

"I would most likely be mobbed depending on how many people are there" she responds with a slight laugh as she continues to massage my head

My head is currently laying on her stomach as she lays against my giant stack of pillows.

We decided that we're just going to be lazy today.

When she came back from her meeting she offered to give me a head massage since my head was still hurting and I agreed.

Instead of it hurting more it's actually making my head feel better.

"How was your meeting by the way?" I ask her as my eyes never stray away from the movie

Her meeting only lasted three hours.

Not that I'm complaining.

"Informative" is all she responds which causes me to laugh at her response

We continue to just lay there in silence as Jessica's sister interrupts their kiss.

How dare she.

"Babe, breath" Belleza says from behind me

I unwillingly release the breath of air I didn't even know I was holding.

I relax further into Belleza's touch as she continues to massage my head.

I don't know what it is about her.

She has this gentleness about her which I absolutely adore.

But she also has this timid look, as if she's constantly walking on eggshells around me.

Something isn't right.

I hear my phone ring but I ignore it as I pass it off as a spam caller.

"Avery is calling you" she says as she removes her skilled hands from my head

I groan out in frustration as I get up off of my bed and make my way towards my phone.

I answer the call as I make my way out of my room.

"You better have a good reason for calling me on my day off" I say

I internally decided that today I would take a break from all the drama.

Drama can wait, right?!

"Have you seen Megan?" She asks with a clearly worried tone of voice

I guess not.

"No, I haven't, Why?" I ask her as I lean against my counter

Avery releases a breath of air.

"It's nothing-" she starts to say but I cut her off

I'm sick and tired of all these secrets.

"Avery, just tell me" I say with clear irritation in my tone

She takes a long pause before revealing it to me.

"Megan has gone missing" is all she replies

My breath hitches as I stare wide eyed at the wall in front of me.

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