21. The Charity and The Overworked Celebrity

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I'm posting this chapter way earlier than I normally would since this corona virus is ruining my sleeping schedule.

So I'm going to go sleep:)


It has been two weeks since I've came home from the hospital.

Charlotte and I have been hanging out whenever we get the chance, which was barely any time at all.

She decided to go back to school since our homecoming week is next week and the volleyball players have to play on Thursday night.

If she doesn't show up to school next week then she'll be benched for the homecoming game.

Between her going to school, her going to volleyball practice after school, and her having buckets of homework we've barely been able to see each other for more than three hours.

I have noticed how exhausted she seems every night when she gets home so I, being the amazing girlfriend that I am, decided that I would surprise her with a full body massage.

When her mom greeted me at the doorway she seemed more than thrilled to see me.

As soon as our conversation seized I made my way up to Charlotte's room where her door way completely shut.

No surprise there.

I gently knock on the door only to receive a deafening silence.

I take a deep breath as I make the brave decision to twist the door knob and enter her bedroom.

The sight that greets me causes me to release a light laugh.

She's still wearing her clothes from practice as a advanced world history text book lays comfortably against her stomach. There are random sheets of paper laying beside her on the bed along with multiple notebooks.

Her hair is in a messy bun as she continues to gently snore against her cloud like pillows.

I guess she was studying but ended up falling asleep from overworking herself.

Good thing that it is Friday night. That means that she can sleep all morning tomorrow if she so chose to.

I place my bag down near her nightstand as I quietly shut her bedroom door behind me.

I begin to slowly make my way towards her, careful not to wake her up.

I remove the textbook from her body and set it down on her nightstand since I currently have no idea where her backpack is.

I quickly walk around her bed and begin to collect the papers and notebooks neatly in my hand.

As I'm setting the pile of paper and notebooks on top of her textbook she begins to open her eyes.

Her bright green eyes peak up at me through cracked eyelids before she brings her hands up to rub her eyes.

As she removes her hands she looks up at me with an adorable childlike facial expression.

I smile down at her as she reaches out to poke me, as if not believing that I'm really here.

"Aspen?" She questions

I give her a confused facial expression as I sit down beside her hip.

"Yeah, were you expecting someone else?" I ask her jokingly

Her eyes widen with a fearful look as she quickly shakes her head.

"No, I only want you" she says as she sits up

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