16. Psycho Tendencies

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Are you ready?

Be prepared because some of you guys are going to temporarily hate me.

Love you.


Charlotte's POV

Avery and I have been sketching out a game plan for the last hour.

We have no room for mistakes.

"Do you think this will work?" Avery asks from behind me

"I don't know, we just have to hope that it's enough" I reply honestly as I pull my hair up into a ponytail

We're suddenly interrupted by a knock on my bedroom door.

"Come in" I yell out so that they are able to hear me from behind the door

I see the doorknob twist before Bella's face appears from behind the door.


What is so important that she has to interrupt me from trying to save my girl.

"Charlotte, you have a press conference tomorrow morning at ten" Bella says calmly

"Is that all?" I ask her with a firm tone

I'm basically on the edge of my seat with this entire investigation.

If it's not done correctly, all of us could seriously get hurt.

I don't have much time to waste.

"Later that same day you have a photo shoot with this high end brand to promote their products" she continues


It's going to be one of those days.

"Okay, thank you" I say with a tight lipped smile

She nods politely before retreating out of my room, closing the door behind her.

"What if we don't make it back in time?" Avery questions fearfully

"Then she'll just reschedule it" I say nonchalantly

It happens all the time.

I'm too busy or too sick to do certain projects.

They usually understand and are more than willing to reschedule it.

I know that it sounds unprofessional.

There's nothing that I can do about it.

"Lets go over the plan one more time" I tell her

Avery nods her head, more than willing to go over the plan again.

Don't worry, Aspen.

We're coming for you.


Aspen's POV

I groan as I place my hand on my head.


It feels like I've been hit in the head with a frying pan.

"Oh, great, you're awake!" Someone says from the drivers seat

Wait what?!

I fully adjust my eyes to the darkness only to quickly realize that I'm sitting in the back of an suv.

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