Chapter 19: Visitation

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We got to the church and parked the car. Not many people were here yet, only other family memebers and close friends of my grandma.

I waited out by the car for a minute, hoping Daniel would get here soon.

"Waiting for someone?" A voice asked.

I turned around, and pulled Daniel in for a hug. He had on khaki shorts. What is it with guys and khakis? I mean, I'm not complaining, I think it's really hot.

"That must be one lucky guy, you stayed out here just for him."

I pulled away and gasped. "You remember McDonalds after you asked me to prom?"

"It's coming back, one memory at a time," Daniel replied, smiling at me.

I laughed out of pure joy. I wanted to kiss him so bad, but I knew I couldn't. We're just friends.

"Let's get inside," I said, awkwardly.

Daniel held my hand, and we walked in together. The aroma of the room was depressing.

I took his arm that was attached to mine and pulled it over my head and rested it on my shoulders. Then I wrapped my left arm around his waist.

It must be hard, have a casted arm. It sucks wearing an ankle brace, too. Just another week.

"So did you buy a ticket to prom?" I asked.

"Yeah, but I don't know if I'll go," Daniel replied.

"I'm going to go out to dinner with the boys and their dates. John offered to take silly pictures with me since he doesn't have a date," I added, laughing.

"So that means you're going?"

"I bought a dress, there's no way I'm not."

We arrived at the front. There layed my lifeless gram.

I sighed, and broke away from Daniel to sit down on one benches.

"You alright?" He asked, sitting next to be.

I held a hand over my forehead, and shook it from side to side.

"I have a fear of human anatomy, basically, so deas bodies get me a little sick," I replied, truthfully.

"Do you want to leave? We can go eat something if you want."

Just then, my stomach grumbled. I haven't eaten anything yet today. I nodded to Daniel, and went to tell my mom I had to go.

We got into to Daniel's truck. It seems like I've spent too much time in the boys' cars lately.

"Ice cream?" Daniel asked, once we pulled out onto the road.

"Yes!" I screamed, then clapped my hands. Just what I need.

I've never ridden in a car to the ice cream place, just walked. Daniel still knew the way to it.

"Ohmygosh, I just had a realization. Did you forget how to drive? And how to get to places?"

"Relax, I had to get reminded of everything so they didn't take my license away. And I knew the roads before The Unknown," Daniel said, laughing.

We used The Unknown to describe the period of time in which Daniel didn't remember, but is now recieving flashbacks from.

"Good. We don't need to get into another crash," I replied.

We pulled into a parking lot near the ice cream place. I remembered that it didn't have a parking lot.

We got out, and met up on the sidewalk. Daniel took my left hand with his right one, and we walked the rest of the distance.

"I made it on varsity as a freshman, right?"


"And I went to Homecoming with no one this year?"


And that's how the walk went. Even though I loved that Daniel was remembering stuff, I really just wanted something to eat.

He ordered for the two of us and payed. We got our ice cream, and sat down at the same table.

"Man, this is so good," Daniel said.

I laughed. We were quiet, just eating and giving each other weird looks out of the corner of our eyes.

After he finished, Daniel threw away his napkins. I finished soon after, then threw away my napkins and plastic dish and spoon.

"So, what do you wanna do now?" Daniel asked.

"I don't know," I replied, swinging our arms, "you wanted to hang out in the first place."

"Yeah, I know. How about we just hang out at my house? My mom misses you," he said, laughing. I smiled.

"Good. I hope she made some more of that lemonade. It's so good!"

"Glad you like it. So how's proofreading going?" Daniel asked.

"I'm done, but you still aren't reading it yet," I replied, giving him a devious look.

"Man, you must like playing hard to get, huh?"

I didn't respond, I just tried to run ahead. Unfortunately, I still have the brace on, so I tripped. Daniel caught me with his good arm.

"That's what happens to girls who try to play hard to get," Daniel said, smiling at me.

"Or when she hangs out with an annoying guy that's really fast," I muttered.

"You forgot smoking hot."

"And arrogant."

We made eye contact, and bursted with laughter. I bet we looked like weirdos standing on the sidewalk, busting our guts.

"You're so silly," Daniel said. Then he bent down and kissed my forehead.

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