Chapter Ten: Promposal

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At school, people came up to me and asked if we were dating. I just ignored them, not wanting anyone to say "awe."

Daniel texted me during fourth period and told me to meet him on the field right after school. Did I mention there was no practice today?

After making him promise me that he would give me a ride home since I'd miss the bus, I finally agreed.

When the final bell rang, I met Daniel at my locker.

"I don't see why I have to come. And why you want to practice more. You got on varsity as a freshman, for Christ's sake!" I ranted, not pausing for a breath.

"Relax. I just want someone to pitch for me. I think my arm has gone limp from you leaning on it all the time," Daniel said, sarcastically.

"Ha, ha, ha. Very funny. You're lucky I love you," I responded.

Daniel smiled, kissed me, and took my hand. Then we walked outside.

"Aren't you going to-" I said, and we passed the locker rooms and went out the doors.

"Nope," Daniel replied. I guess he wants to practice in jeans today.

My feet dragged as he picked up his pace. I don't see what the rush is. It's just hitting a ball.

As we approached the diamond, Daniel's face lit up. The grin he wore made me wonder what he was up to.

"What's that in the field?" I asked, gesturing to a mass of what looked like people laying on the grass.

Daniel didn't answer, he just kept tugging me along. When we got closer, I realized what it was.

The team was laying out in a random way.

"What are you guys doing?" I asked.

Mark snorted as I looked around, trying to figure out what was so funny.

Then I gasped. "Took you long enough," Ben said.

"Yes!" I screamed, jumping into Daniel's arms.

The boys on the ground spelled out "P-R-O-M" with their bodies. It was so cute that I had to take a picture.

"Can we leave now?" Tommy asked. He was a part of the "O."

"Thanks, guys. I owe you one," Daniel said.

"How about we go to McDonalds and you order ten packs of twenty chicken McNuggets?" Mark suggested.


"Yay!" We all cried in unison. Then the boys sprinted back to the parking lot.

We rode in Daniel's car, and pulled in first. Daniel led the way inside, then ordered everything. He even got a large caramel frappé. Hm.

"Thought you didn't like those?" I asked.

"I don't. But my date does," Daniel said, grinning at me.

"Oh, she must be a lucky girl. You already know what her order is at McDonalds," I replied, laughing.

We took the food to the tables of hungry guys. They had spread out to four tables, so each table got a box.

Then Daniel and I took the last box and sat down. Mark and Ben came in last, and plopped down in the extra chairs at our table.

I have to admit, McDonalds is really disgusting and unhealthy and I once went a year without eating anything from there, but I'll always order something. Is that bad?

I went home, just glowing. I spun around and danced through the house.

"What's gotten you all happy?" My dad asked, looking up from the newspaper.

"Daniel asked me to prom," I replied, taking a bite of an apple.

"That boy should ask you out more, if it causes you to eat an apple," mom said, laughing.

I frowned, then walked to my room. Nothing's better than a nice, hot shower after a long, amazing day.

After I got out, I texted Bre and Gia. Someone has to help me go dress shopping.

Since tomorrow's Saturday, we agreed to meet at the mall at ten in the morning.


"Girl, we need to spend more time together. We're losing you!" Bre complained.

"Sorry. Once the season's over, then we'll hang out more," I replied.

"But the baseball team is so good this year! I think they'll make it to state this year. And that means you'll be managing after school ends," Gia pointed out.

Gia goes to every game. As long as she doesn't have softball, of course.

"Hey, that's good. It'll look good on my resumes," I said, attempting to lighten the mood.

"Whatever. Let's pick put a dress for you!" Bre said.

We went into a few stores. They kept throwing dresses at me to try on. Unfortunately, they were all strapless, except for a few that were one-shoulders.

Then we hit try-on rooms. One by one, I put on dresses, and they were either vetoed or maybe-d.

"Lime green?" I asked, coming out in the dress.

"Well, it looked good on the hanger," Gia said. I frowned at her, and walked back into the room.

There was one dress that I put on. When I walked out, Gia and Bre flipped.

"Hun, we can't let you wear that," Bre said, gesturing to the pale pink fabric.

"Why not?"

"Because then you'd be more beautiful than us, and that shouldn't happen."

We squealed, and jumped up and down. This is the dress.

I looked down at the price tag. This must be fate.

"It's only $60!"

I took it off, we put the other dresses back, then finally went to the checkout.

While we waited in line, I pulled out ny phone and texted Daniel the color of ny dress. He responded asking where he was supposed to get a pink tie.

I laughed, and wished him luck. The dress was put in a bag, so we took it out to Bre's mom's car, then walked to Chile's for lunch.

It was nice to hang with my girls again. They weren't even bitter about me ditching them for the past month.

When my mom picked me up, I took the dress, and rode home. She wanted to see it, so I pulled it out of the bag and tried it on for her.

Mom took a picture on my phone, and told me how much I was growing up. Typical mom stuff.

Finally, I got to go to sleep. Before I went to bed, Sam and Em promised to do my nails for free, mom promised to do my hair, and Bre promised to do my makeup. Good.

Sorry it's a little short, I had to throw this in real quickly.

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