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After the storm, we returned to the calm where our two bodies were wrapped together without talking, we knew that we were both comfortable and we didn't want to leave this moment. I always imagined my first time with a girl. I thought I wouldn't last long and I would embarrass myself in front of her because I would have cummed like a prepubescent teen. But I was far from my expectations because my first time was fantastic. Jennie and I, together, had experienced something new. We kept discovering through each other and ended up screaming loud and clear.

Sex is so damn good but sex with the right person was amazing. 

I hadn't bothered to turn on the light because I was afraid it would scare her off to see us in this situation. Part of me was telling myself that these beautiful things weren't going to last because I didn't deserve it. Jennie was in my arms while my finger traced invisible circles on the top of her shoulder. Her skin was as soft as silk and I only wanted to admire this work of art. Her leg that was resting on my arms (thank god I still do some workout at home) sent butterflies into my stomach. Even after a long, intense session, I was still tempted to have her legs wrapped around my waist again. I don't think I'll ever be able to forget that feeling when her eyes burn with desire, it consumed me.

However, the silence in the room didn't last long when Jennie's phone rang. I could see that the expression on her face had changed when she saw the name on the screen.

"Hello, Chaerin," I gulped hearing my step mother's name, "Tomorrow? Yes, I'm free... You're sure it's okay with Mark?" my hands were now lying on the pillow as I didn't want to feel the tension that was settling in Jennie, "I could try to reach Lisa but I don't promise anything," she took a glance at me, "All right, see you tomorrow then. Bye," 

The silence was quite different in the room now. It was heavy and suffocating, as if even the fresh air outside wasn't going to help the situation. I didn't dare to move or talk for fear of breaking everything we'd just built here. After a few minutes, it was Jennie who decided to make the first move.

"Come tomorrow for me, please," her head rested on my chest, I know I couldn't refuse her even the idea to sit at a table with my father, my step mother and Mark seems the worst idea but I ended up accepting because I was already blinded by the happiness. 


The scenario where I ran away while I could as I was standing in front of the door of my father's house was plausible except that it was ridiculous. I've faced more complicated situations and I've always gotten away with it. Looking around, the neighborhood reminded me of memories, more painful memories than pleasant ones. I took a deep breath before pushing the unlocked door and stepped inside. 

Of course, they were surprised that I accepted the invitation. 

Walking to the dining room, I avoided hurting myself by looking at the stairs leading up to my old bedroom and the pictures of my smiling mother hanging on the wall. The sooner I finished this masquerade, the sooner I could turn in my serene place.

When I walked in, I saw them busy talking about work and I might have heard a glimpse about the wedding. Jennie instantly met my eyes as if she also regretted forcing me to come here. For once she looked as uncomfortable as I did, except that I was the only one who noticed. I pulled the chair out and sat on it without greeting them. The table was filled of fresh and healthy food, it's like my step mom wanted to impress her future daughter-in-law. 

"Not even a 'Good morning, Dad'?" my father frowned. It hadn't even been a minute since I got here that he was already irritating me. I was beginning to regret more and more that I had agreed to join the committee that I didn't even seem to belong to.

Heal me - JENLISAWhere stories live. Discover now