The Starting Point

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It was extremely easy finding out where the hunter exam takes place without any help. NO THANKS to my grandpa Netero. It was only a few towns over in my grandpa's favorite restaurant to use in the past.                                                     


"Hayami, come here we need to talk about the exam,"  Netero said which means it is serious since he usually uses my nickname, Ami.

" what about it, Grandpa," I told him confused while walking towards him in his home office.

" be careful at all times during the exam, because the proctors are not allowed to help you pass in any way,"  Grandpa says with concern flashing across his eyes when looking at me.

"ok, I'll be careful, I promise grandpa," I said hugging him "I'll see you soon, I love you bye" I give him another hug and a kiss on the cheek before grabbing my stuff to leave.

~~flashback end~~

There are around 50 to 60 examinees already here when I got out of the elevator only to see that everyone looking at me then whispering to each other about what a little girl is doing here. Beans gave me, my number pin which is 57 and beans leaves to give more people their pins. I was so lost in thought at the fact that I am the only girl here and about the men here being sexist pigs that I did not see someone coming towards me.

"hi my name is Tonpa you must be new here," the guy said, why is that name so familiar oh yeah I remember his the so-called rookie crusher 

"Yeah! you must be really smart," I said cutely to see how he got named the rookie crusher since I never heard of what he did to the rookies.

"No, not really so what's your name," he asked

"my names Hayami;  how did you know I was new here?" I asked still playing innocent. He then explained that it was his 36th time. He tells me all the people around us like who stay away from.

"here's some juice to mark us being acquaintances," says Tonpa holding out a can of juice.

"Sorry, but I was taught to never take things from people I just met," I said 'sadly' but truthfully it's because I could tell that he had done something to the juice.

"Oh ok well bye," he said then walked away to find other rookies.

I saw Tonpa go over to a group of boys to try to lessen the competition and one of the boys looks 10 while the other two looks 16 and 20. After a while, Tonpa got cut off by someone screaming it turns our that the screaming came from some dude that bumped into a clown. The guy dressed like a clown has the number 44 pinned to his chest turned the guy wearing weird-looking armor arms into pink little confetti-like things. The clown said something about watching who you bump into which made everyone else petrified of him. I skipped over to him with a lollipop in my mouth and pulled a little bit one of his pants since is a lot taller than me.

"How did you do that," I asked sweetly while looking up at after taking a step back to see his face.

"It's a secret" he whispered in my ear after bending down he then stood up. I noticed that everyone was horrified that a little girl would go up to him to talk.

"why is everyone else here afraid of you?" I asked looking up at him.

"Why aren't you scared of me 'little one'?" he asked smiling

"My name is Hayami, not 'little one' so what's your name, mysterious clown?" I snapped at him

"It's Hisoka the Magician" he replied with a chuckle

"so you're a clown," I said to get him mad

"No I am not a clown" he replied with a laugh but I can tell he's a little bad about being called a clown.

A bell rang cutting off the conversation Hisoka and I were having to see Satotz. He asked if anyone wanted to leave because now is the time to do so, but no one did. We were then told to keep up with him. After a while of following him, Satotz picked up his speed more which got people to drop out, but there is still a lot of people. I fall back from the huge crowd of people when I saw the same trio but there is another boy with them with white hair, so I decided to go over there.

"Hi my name is Hayami, what are your names?" I asked the little group of people

The little boy in green answered for everyone saying, "My name is gon. The one in the suit is Leorio. The one beside him is Kurapika and beside me is Killua"

"How old are you, Gon and Killua?" I asked since they looked really young

" Killua and I are 12, how old are you?" Gon asked

"Oh, you are not as young as I thought and I'm 17" I replied

"Really! you don't look 17" gon exclaimed

"Thanks, well I'm going to go up to where everyone else is, I hope we can be friends," I said before running up ahead.

"Hey, Satotz how much longer do we have to run," I asked after reaching him

"you know I can't tell you that even if you're the chairman Netero's granddaughter," Satotz said

"ok, but can I go up ahead then?" I asked

"No Hayami you cannot. Remember I am not allowed to help or show favoritism to you" Satotz replied

"but--" I was cut off by Gon and Killua racing by us to finish first

we had to wait a while until a wall came down leaving some people that were too slow. There are now about 200 examinees left. Satotz exclaimed that we are in the Numere wetLands which has a lot of dangerous creatures that will try to trick and kill examinees. Then someone comes running up and said he was the real examiner and that Satotz is a creature called a man-face monkey and that he can prove it. That man made almost half of everyone believe him, but not me I was about to say that he was lying. When something flew right at Satotz and me since I was standing near him. Satotz saw it coming and caught it then I notice there were two cards and the fake examiner died. Everyone turned to Hisoka who was shuffling his cards saying that only a real hunter would be able to block or catch it.

Satotz said "thank you but if you do it again to any examiners you will fail the hunter exam. Now let's get going to the 2nd phase of the exam"

"Why did you throw one at me too, Hisoka," I asked since satotz caught two cards and one was aimed at me.

"Just wanted to see if you would catch it but Satotz protected you" Hisoka answered

I left him to run up to gon and Killua only to see that they were covered in slime but I did not ask. Gon realized that Leorio and Kurapika were gone along with Hisoka. Killua kept going but Gon and I left to find Kurapika and Leorio only to see Leorio on the ground, and Hisoka standing up not looking at us. Gon swung his fishing pole at Hisoka and hit one of his cheeks. Hisoka ended up choking Gon when I came out and told Hisoka to let Gon go kind of like telling a dog to drop a stick when playing fetch.

Hisoka listened to me and let Gon go when a beeping noise was herd. Hisoka pulled out a walkie talkie and someone told Hisoka were the second part was and that it was starting soon. Hisoka turned around, picked up Leorio then left, so Gon and I took off to get to the second phase. Gon led us to where everyone else because of his nose and we got there right on time. We soon saw Killua and walked over to him when he saw us he ran over telling us that he was worried that we were not going to make it in time.

Twine Love (hisoka x hayami) [REWRITTEN]Where stories live. Discover now