It's time we finally talked.

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"Here we are again" I watched the tall lady walk in the room, once again wearing all black. I have yet to learn her name but I didn't care enough about her to do so. It's been a week of questioning me, my friends and family and I'm tired. 

Sitting across from me, she was looking through this thick black folder. My nerves were on high today for some reason. Ever since this all started, I've been extremely emotional. My feelings were on high and my anxiety has been fucking with me. It was bad. But nothing I haven't been through before. 

Growing up here in New York and having ties to LA. I've witnessed a lot of my people get sent away or end up 6 feet under. Almost everybody that I knew was in a gang so I got used to it. I always made sure to keep myself as far away as possible but not far enough to where niggas didn't know me. But just enough to where if something were to happen, I knew that I was safe and nobody was coming for me. Hussle always told me I had too much potential to be getting myself mixed up in shit that I don't need to be in, and he was right. 

I was disappointed in myself. I should've known better. Hussle taught me better. I was smart enough to figure out what to do about Justin, but instead I waited too long and somebody else had to do my dirty work for me. What would Nip think of me now? Would he be upset at himself for not teaching me enough? Or at me for not being smart enough?

"Rodrick Wayne Moore Jr" My thoughts snapped back to reality as I looked at the lady in front of me who was already watching me. She looked down at my bouncing leg. "That is his full name right?" I nodded my head and looked down at my hands. I tried to get my leg to stop shaking but it wouldn't. 

"Tell me about him." She sighed as I stayed quiet. I don't know what she expected me to say. 

"So it says here that he's been arrested in LA for a gun charge. I assume you already knew this." 

I cleared my throat. "Yeah I know." She nodded her head and leaned back on the chair. 

"So here's what we've gathered on Rodrick... We found footage of him entering the Plaza hotel on the same night of the incident. Yet you told us that he spent the whole night with you, so did you lie?" 

My heart started speeding up. "Um no I just didn't think that it was important. We technically did spend the whole night together. He just had to go to the hotel to gather his clothes." 

"Right... The footage also showed us a group of people who we've identified all to be part of South Side Compton crips except for one. He's also a crip but he's Woo? Am I saying that right? Anyways doesn't matter. Point is, they all were seen coming into the hotel and heading to the room that Rodrick was staying in. As we looked more into the footage we never saw them leave... So how exactly did he get back to you?" 

I could feel my nerves building up. Is it hot in here? I couldn't tell but I felt my skin burning. This I didn't know about so how exactly am I supposed to answer this. 

"Um, Did you see me in the footage? No right. So how am I supposed to know what they were doing there. All I know is he came back home to me." My voice was surprisingly steady. 

"Right... So here's what's gonna happen. We're gonna be talking to people who stayed at the hotel during that time and see if we could find any witnesses. I really suggest that you start talking now because if we find out you held information we can charge you as an accessory to a crime. You'll most likely get 20 years in jail and your boyfriend and his friend will get life. So if you want to save yourself. Speak" 

My eyes watered and my chest tightened. My leg hurt from bouncing. "I swear to you I don't know anything. Roddy wasn't involved in this ok? I don't care whether you saw him leave the hotel or not all I know is he came back home to me." 

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