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Liam's POV
We've been here almost a week. It's nice, the kids are nice, the adults are nice, the facilities are nice, but I just want to experience it with Ella. The camp is like a mix between summer camp and an expensive resort. I wonder through the doors of the medical building the front portion contains high ceilings and the building overall is covered in large open windows. I make my way back to the hall with Ella's room, I pass I room with windows that gave the hall and glance through them. I stop realizing it's Ella. She is holding herself between two parallel bars while a lady stands there for support and Nate watches taking notes. She looks so small and frail. The clothes she's wearing swallow her narrow frame.
"Hey" the voice snaps me back into reality I turn to see Cassie walking towards me.
"Oh hi I was just looking for Ella" I stutter "and I saw she was in here I didn't think I should interrupt"
"No it's ok I was looking for you anyways." She says "I was hoping you could bring me any clothes Ella had she may be here awhile and I think some of her own things would make her more comfortable."
"Yeah of course" I say looking back through the windows at Ella still struggling to move a few steps sweat pouring down her face. "How long do you think it will be until she's back to 100%" Cassie looks through the window too her fave tightens.
"I don't know she's been through a lot we're lucky she's even alive it could be a while, but I have a feeling she's pretty stubborn and will try to rush her recovery"
"Yeah" I say chuckling softly you have no idea.

Ella's POV
I'm drenched in sweat from physical therapy. I sit frustrated as they take me to another room. Nate helps me onto a dentist chair looking thing and starts attaching wires and things to me.
"Ok" he sighs holding up a large needle. "This will make you fall asleep and all of this allows us to monitor your dreams" I nod at his words "this may hurt a little" he inserts the long needle into my arm.
I gasp snapping awake. I look around it smells like something's burning and there are scorch  marks on the ground. Nate is standing next to the chair taking notes.
"So" I say "do I have all my powers."
"Yeah. Yep you definitely do you can't control most of them worth shit but you have powers." I'm drenched in sweat still and there is what I'm assuming is soot sprinkled across my arms. "Can I take a shower" I ask Nate looks over at me.
"Yeah I will find Cassie and she can help you." he answers shutting the chart and helping me back into the wheel chair. He wheels me down back towards my room but we go through a different door. It looks like a bathroom someone would have in a nice ass house. The tile is pretty and the shower has a glass door. Nate leaves and Cassie comes in the sweats she had from earlier with her.
"Hey" she smiles
"Hey" I don't have the energy to say anything else to her. She turns on the shower and hangs a towel on the door. She helps me up out of my clothes and into the warm water that feels glorious on my skin.

Liam's POV
I return to the cabin they put me in it has 4 bunk beds in it. I haven't met any of the other kids but from what I've seen there all roughly my age. I wanted to bring Ella's clothes a lot earlier but they've been making chubs, Zu and I go to therapy. I try to ditch every time, but the therapist they have, a young woman who walks very fast, finds me right before each session. And after each of my session she walks me to my personal training class that they're also making us go to because we're new. So three hours after I wanted to I'm finally able to see Ella. I open her bag she doesn't have many clothes that aren't singed or ripped in some way I grab the t-shirt I gave her it smells clean and fresh like her. I grab one of my own sweatshirts and go to her room. I'm almost to her room when I pass a door that's a jar. I glance in and see Cassie wrapping Ella's bony frame in a towel. I quickly look away and slip into Ella's room. Moments later Cassie wheels Ella in she's got baggy sweats on with a jacket that hangs loosely around her shoulders. She smiles when she sees me.
"Liam" she beams As I stand she tries to get out of the chair fumbling she trips I lean forward and wrap my arms around her.
"She should probably rest" Cassie motions to me quietly.
"Yeah I've got it" I grin scooping Ella up and taking her to the bed. Cassie leaves and I set Ella on the bed.
"I can't lean far enough yet to reach my feet" Ella stammers motioning to her shoes that are dangling beneath her on the edge of the bed. I kneel to her feet and begin unlacing her shoes. Once there off I help her into the blankets. After she adjusts herself she scoots over patting the space next to her.
"Alright" I sigh slipping my own shoes and jacket off sliding into the spot next to her. I wrap my arm around her as her head falls onto my chest.
"So what's this place like" she asks.
"It's different" I start. I tell her about the cabins and how green everything is. I describe the people and the classes. She groans when I tell her there's therapy she will most likely be forced to attend. After a while I notice she's gotten very still. The afternoon sun is pouring through the window warming our bodies. It doesn't take long before sleep takes me into unconsciousness too.

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