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The loud clatter of trash cans being banged around woke me with a start. I sighed. "Racoons." They had gotten into my trash before i never did anything about it. Ive always been too much of a tree huger to harm furry critters. Eventually the clamor settled and i oozed myself back into slumber.

But then i shot out of bed. I could have sworn i heard someone walking around the next room. My heart sank as the lights went in to the hall.

Quickly with my heart pounding in my chest. I sprinted for my bedroom door and turned the lock. I snatched up my bat and prepared to bash the teeth in of anyone who came through the door

There was a dark figure that cascaded its shadow under my door. They were breathing heavily as they jiggled the knob to try and open it. "Who are you?" I yelled. I could hear the figure run out of my house. Turning off the light on their way out. I calmed my nerves for a few minutes by taking a few deep breaths before heading out into the rest of my house.

I knew the very first thing i needed to do was to call the police, which i did promptly. I checked all my valuablesand noticed that nothing had been stolen. Then the booming sound of an officers fist hit the door. "Its the police"

I answered the door and the police stared at me with a scornful look . " sir do you know anything about the dead girl thats been stuffed in your trash cans?"

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