I swear I saw my father - when he wasn't really there

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“I live in a condominium and we own two apartments on the 7th and 8th floor. The only way to move in between them is to step out of the apartment, take the elevator or the staircase and enter the other one.

One night, we ran out of ice-cream upstairs and my mom told me to go get some from the downstairs freezer, so I took the keys to the 7th floor’s apartment and since it was dinner time, no one was there. I walked into the pitch dark and realized that someone was sitting on the sofa so i flipped the switch to see my dad just sitting there. It was kinda weird, but I just went to get the ice-cream and asked if he had a key to lock up. No answer.

I shrugged and thought, ‘Well if he came in and locked the door behind him, he must have one.’ Went back upstairs and my dad was sitting there eating dinner. I freaked out and asked how the heck did he get up here so fast and everyone told me that he’s been here all this time. Told them it wasn’t possible cause I just saw him downstairs but no one believed me. Now I never go down there alone.” — ZayYarHtun

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