She was hiding in my bedroom closet with a very large knife and a bundle of rope

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I’m a karaoke dj. I usually get home between 2-3 AM, but tonight I got off around 11 because the bar had a power outage. I live alone in a triplex behind a house. I live in the middle of a city but the property I’m on is rather large. So there is a big back yard behind my apartment.

As I was coming home tonight I noticed that my cats weren’t waiting for me in the window. (They can hear my van pulling in the driveway. They are in the window every night. No exception) I thought it was odd. Then I noticed that my kitchen light was on… I never leave my kitchen light on. At this point I was a little freaked out. That’s when I thought I saw movement in my kitchen. I called 911 and the dispatcher told me to lock my van doors and remain in the vehicle and stay on the line. Officers showed up very quickly (less than 5 mins) they parked on the street and walked up to my van. They asked me to stay quiet and give them my house key. One officer went to the back of my apartment and the other used my key to unlock the door.

When he opened the door all was quiet. Then he yelled REALLY loud telling someone to come out. I heard the police officer that was in my back yard start yelling and the other officer ran out to join him. My neighbors had come outside at this point and I was freaking out.

It seemed like a long time, but they walked a cuffed woman towards me and it turns out it was a patron that i had 86’ed this last weekend. I don’t know how she found out where I lived. She was hiding in my bedroom closet with a very large knife and a bundle of rope. (?!?!)

I don’t want to think about what would have happened if I had gone to bed with her waiting for me.

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