My mother had a dream that saved our entire family

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“So a few years back, probably 6-7 years, my family was living in our previous home. This was our second house in we had in Ohio, the first house was about to streets over from our second house. Well one night my mom woke me up and was acting really panicked. She grabbed my brother, who was probably 5 at the time, and told me to go outside. It was about 4 in the morning, and once we all got outside my dad tried to calm my mom down. He asked her what was wrong, and she had explained that she had a dream that we were all gonna die from carbon monoxide poisoning if we stayed in the house. Then my dad told her that all the detectors were working perfectly fine and we decided to go back inside. We didn’t smell anything nor did the detectors go off, so we went to bed.

The next day my mom was watching the morning news before we went to school. The first story for the day was that a local family was rushed out of their home because of a carbon monoxide leak in there home. Which could have been just coincidence, but then the news station showed the house. It was our old house that we just moved out of.” — redraven1978

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