A car malfunction magically saved my life

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A car malfunction magically saved my life

“In 2002 I lived in the east SF bay area with my husband, and two toddlers. I was grieving over the sudden death of my mother a month before. She’d had at major heart attack and died at 52 years of age. On an average day, I left my babies at home with my husband to run a quick errand by myself. I drove a block over through downtown Hayward to hit up the grocery store. I was on my way home and stopped at a red light waiting to make a left turn. The intersection had all blind corners so it was difficult to see oncoming cars. My light turned green I glanced both ways waited the appropriate second and stepped on the gas pedal… It would not move. I tried again, nothing. The car behind me honked. I looked down under my pedals quickly to see if something had possibly rolled under the pedal and found nothing. I looked up and suddenly a huge work truck loaded down with equipment ran (his) red light at what must’ve been 50mph. I was stunned. I gasped, quickly pulled myself together, stepped on the gas pedal and it worked with no hesitation. Suddenly I smelled my mother’s favorite perfume… Really amazing experience.” — Jilly76

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