The blood covered lady

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“Happened to a friend of mine. It was about 1am and he heard a noise outside his front door. His front yard is really dark so he looked through the peep hole rather than opening the door, he couldn’t see anything but could tell something was below the peep hole. He decided to open the door slowly and as soon as he did an older lady who’s face was covered in blood and only wearing a t-shirt(no underwear or pants)tried to run into his house. He slammed the door on her and called the cops. While waiting for the cops he kept looking out the little hole on the door and every so often she would scurry back and forth on his front lawn. (I wasn’t there but I picture it like the alien at the birthday party in “Signs”). So the cops finally show up and detain the women and they get to the bottom of the story. It turns out the woman was his neighbor and she was extremely drunk. She had been drinking and locked herself out of her house and tried to get back in by braking the window with her face/hands.”

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