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"Is it really you?" He asked. You nodded. You told him his birthday, his dads name, and you even did the little hand shake you both came up with when y'all were little.

He hugged you tightly. You froze but hugged back. His arms felt so welcome to you. After a bit you actually almost fell asleep. "You think you can show me to my room?" You asked him. He backed off kinda red, "oh yea. Right this way."

Seeing the fancy bed you ran into it happy. "YOUVE BEEN LIVING HERE IN THE BEST LIFE AND and...." You fell asleep. Dio chuckled to himself. He took your worn out boots off and put a blanket over you. He noticed how much you changed. You may be one year older but you definitely didnt act like it.
He left the room and headed to his own.


You changed into a more workable outfit, and went down stairs. "Ah y/n! Join us for breakfast!" George spoke seeing you come into the dinning room. You took a seat next to dio. A plate of eggs, bacon, toast, and sausage came into view. You practically drooled. Do chuckled. "Go ahead eat y/n." Dio said. You nudged him and rolled his eyes. You ate so quickly, you even chugged the milk you were given. "Who ever cooked that deserves to open a restaurant!" You said amazed. All of them chuckled.

Thought the day George explained what he needed you to do for the day, you usually got alot of it done towards lunch. You met Jonathan, or Jojo. Hes very kind and sweet. You saw dio outside reading. "Brando!" You yelled he snapped his head to you. "Don't say my last name, reminds of my dad." He said annoyed. You shurgged. "Well too bad. Dio joestar sounds off brand." You spoke and he just looked at you weirdly. You touch his cheek getting paint on him he smiled. "Two can play at that." he took the paint from his face and put it on you. The two of you rough housed till someone yelled at you two.

"Dio thats not how you treat a lady!" Jojo yelled. You started laughing which caused Jonathan to hault. Dio smirked. "Oh Jojo, me and y/n are old friends." dio spoke looking at you softly. Jojo saw that you and him had paint all over each other. "Pffttt." Jojo started chuckling. "Anyways, me and dad are going out. Watch the house while were out." He said before leaving he glared at dio. Once he was out of sight. You sat up. "Y'all have issues or something?" You asked. He sighed annoyed. He was quiet for a minute before speaking. "Hes just upset about having to share his familys fortune." dio spoke with a tsk. you hummed. "Sounds like a blast. I mean id kill to live here. Even if everyone hated me." You said happily.

He raised a brow. "Why don't you?" He sat next to you. You put your head on his shoulder. "Because I'm here on a job. Im not sure mr.joestar would let me stay." You said sadly. You flinched a bit when dio put his arm around you. "I can ask for you. I mean I know your situation..." He said looking at you sadly. You sighed. "I think ill pass. Im actually doing better, ive been working out, i found a job... Dad left.." You exhaled. Smiling you spoke. "maybe." once you said that, dio actually got really happy for a second. But he calmed down and stood up. "Did you know we have a punching ring." He said, you gasped. "really? Here of all places." dio nodded. "Should come see me fight tomorrow." he said proudly. You put a finger over your mouth. "Hmm should i see my childhood friend possibly get his ass beat tomorrow?" you said outloud. He glared at you. You smiled. "Yes ill go, stop being a sour baby." You teased. "Ill make you a sour baby." He mumbled. You looked at him and blushed like crazy. Turning away you walked towards the house. "Where you going?" He yelled. "To find my hopefully not torn sketches ." you said. He gasped and ran after you. But you ran inside shutting the door on him. "Oh I swear y/n!" He yelled as you ran up the stairs. Him just behind you. remembering which room you saw him leave earlier you ran into. Shutting the door behind you. You scanned the room until you herd feet getting closer. You saw a stack of books and at the bottom your sketch book. You backed off the door and ran to it. right as you grabbed it he opend the door. "where's the drawings?" You asked. He came next to you. "Their In a book. I hid them from that Jojo." He said sickly. You hummed. You sat on his bed. "Woah your bed is comfy!" You said shocked. Leaning down looking at the ceiling. You felt dio sit by your legs. you both enjoyed the silence. "You know... you could easily take over their name." You spoke feeling tired.
He froze. Not being able to see his face clearly. He had a shocked face. you had that on the spot. "Haha thatd be funny wouldn't it. I now have the chance to become a lawyer." He said proudly. You laughed. "That's terrifying." you spoke, he turned to you and raised a brow. "Such authority to you is the same as everyone being a communist." You said jokingly. Dio chuckled. "If you live here you could be a famous artist  I know you fan girl over picasco." He said with a smirk. You sat up and punched him in the arm. You both caught up till it was around dinner. You both decided to get changed.

S͓̽t͓̽a͓̽r͓̽ ͓̽b͓̽o͓̽u͓̽n͓̽d͓̽ - dio brando x reader {Complete}Where stories live. Discover now