the fool

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+-(WARNING! if u HAVE NOT seen part 3 or read part 3! spoilers! If u don't care or have seen it! Continue!!)-+


"Y/n, avdol. Show em." Joseph said showing his purple vines. Avdols Phoenix and your stand. It was a humanoid like one. It was all black with white spots, it had red fabricated lines that lined up like bondage lines, its head had smoke come from the eyes, nose and mouth. 'Twisted sister.' Is what you called it. Jotaro looked shocked. You leaned aginst the wall. Avdol can handle it. You took out your flask and drank some. 'I need to stop drinking.'
You and Joseph watched avdol and jotaro fight. And it was amazing.

"Now lets go home." Joseph spoke. "Wait gramps what's her stand do?" Jotaro said pointing at you. You took another sip of your drink. You showed your stand again. "This is twisted sister. And I don't feel like fighting so I'd rather tell you." You said with a yawn. He hummed as you all walked to the car. "I can basically make someone have sleep paralysis, and im a close range if I can't use that ability." You spoke. "Try it." He said sitting next to you. "Alright." Your stand appeared. Avdol watched. Your stand waved its hand over jotaro.

You began tickling him. His neck, arms, tazeing his sides. "One last thing. Get myself relived." You slapped your hands together. Only the person in the paralysis can see the yellow lines come from your hands. You slapped him hard across the face, leaving a mark. The yellow lines are a timer to wake up, but as each line passes the person feels more paranoid. you stopped the ability. He woke up and touched his face. "Holy shit you slap hard." He scowled. You chuckled. "So thats what your laugh sounds like!" Joseph Oohed. "Oh hush it gramps!" You yelled. "Your older!" he yelled back. You flopped down.

"Shouldn't talk about a ladys age!" You snapped. You all got out and into the house. You made yourself a home. You and holly talking. "oo, he smiles!" You giggled with her looking in a picture book. "This is him in 4th grade festival!"
You and her made dinner. You havnt felt this happy for a while. Having someone like her around made you lighten up. "Dinners ready." You smiled to the boys who were talking. You went and sat at the table eating. The three joined you and holly.

That night you were in the library. Doing research. Since computers are a thing you did research. Getting out that map. "Africa maybe? I haven't looked into China.." You stayed up late. Really late. Drinking energy drinks and coffee. A mess became of where you sat. a door opend revealing day light. You had a blanket over you, you were drawing him. "hey your making a mess of the library." Jotaro said walking in. You only hummed. "Hey listen to me, bitch you better clean this." He said aggressively walking to you. You stopped drawing, breaking down a bit inside. It crushed you now. Now you thinking of it. He turend the rolly chair to face him. His eyes widend. a teary you shocked him. The dark circles and red eyes. Your eyes didnt have that spark to beat someone. They were dull.

"Who did this?" He asked. You sniffled. "Hes gone now. I'm just realizing I've been wasting my life searching for him." you spoke. "Well I'm sorry.. But you've been in here for 3 days.. We have a new mission and another person to meet. So clean this up and well have a meeting." He said as he walked out. You cleaned up. Taking trash out and putting away your silly stuff. "Hes dead y/n... Its been 30 something years.. Maybe more." You walked out shutting the door. Still having the blanket. You walk into the normal meeting room. Avdol, Joseph and jotaro all sat down. A cherry haired boy next to jotaro. "Holy... Y/n take a seat." Joseph said. You did. "So holly is developing a stand... And i think i know why." Joseph went on his idea.

"Dio is still alive." he finished. Your eyes widen. 'So I wasn't wrong.' You grabbed that ring. You tightened the blanket around you. "If thats true I know what he may look like." you said catching their attention. They had already used Josephs hermit purple. But you put out a drawing.

"Y/n, you never told us about yourself." Avdol spoke. "Only the old man knows." Jotaro added. "I knew dio since we were both children. Lived under the joestars wings. He took it for his greedy self... I didn't mean to live there but he convinced me." you spoke taking a breath. "And we became more than childhood friends. And when i came back from over sea collage. Everything was gone.. Jonathan told me about him killing dio, pops was dead... it was just..." You stopped. They all watched you grab your necklace. "He gave me this.. For we were going to marry but nope." You sighed. "So your older than me!" Joseph yelled. Avdol hit his head. "So you know him well." Jotaro hummed.

The two pictures got avdol to a study. Within a few days, you were packing for Egypt. 'once I see you dio... I don't know what I'll do." You looked out your window.

So this is Egypt. "Woah!" You smiled. You all go to a hotel. But on the way there you all run into a French man. He brought out his stand. Avdol and him fought.

He's now in our hotel, polneraff. You got up and out. You needed booze. You buy some fruity jack. "God I hope this kills me." You said walking back to the hotel. Your like a old man if he lived to his 140s. just wanting to kick it. You felt like you were being watched. Taking a swig you turn around. A stand was staring at you. "So you just gonna stand there?" You asked. It was sunset. The golden stand backed down. "Okay at least speak." You asked not daring going closer. A hum was herd. "Oh dear, what a mess you've become." That voice. It sent chills down your back. "Holy shit- the day I arrive here... I get such a informal greeting by you." You chuckle. You could tell he was smirking. "Can you come here?" He asked with a sad tone. "Not till you come here." You said crossing your arms. "Do you want me dead?" He asked. "Perhaps. Its leaning on 50/50." You said now thinking about it. You peaked over the buildings cornor. There the blonde man was. Once he saw you lean over the wall he smiled. You felt yourself move. So did he. You both ran into eachtoher. You felt his hands run through your hair. "God it feels good to hug you again." He said into your shoulder. You hummed. "Cheesy much." You joked. He sighed. you pulled away. He saw the necklace. "After years you still have that.. What about those bunnys?" He raised a brow. "I still have them. Their in my office actually." You blushed. he pulled you into another hug. You went with It. "Man Jonathan packed heat if My theroy is correct." You smirked. "Tch. thats curl to say that." dio argued. "Hey I mean it was your choice to start all this bullshit." You smiled. He couldn't help but also smile. "I knew green lipstick would fit you." You said leaning in on him. His cheeks dusted pink. "Yeah, I could make your neck green if you keep tempting me.." He said lowly.

You kissed him anyways. Your arms reaching to the back of his Neck. His arms around your waist. He made hicky trails down your neck and collar bone. You did the same to him, who enjoyed them more than you did. He made it more evident. He held back a few moans, you could hear him trying. You stopped kissing his lips. "Imma go back and drink. Their plotting a lot, cant miss it." you said then taking s drink out of your flask. "An alcoholic now? And why don't you live with me?" He asked. You looked at him. This was that meeting moment. "I drink my problems away alright man. And if i faked my death itd tempt me to actually..." you stopped yourself. "Its not of use." you finished. Dio looked at you weirdly. "Y/n..."

"Are you suicidal?"

S͓̽t͓̽a͓̽r͓̽ ͓̽b͓̽o͓̽u͓̽n͓̽d͓̽ - dio brando x reader {Complete}Where stories live. Discover now