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You had been living with the joestars for a few months now. You can see the change in both of the boys. You and dio never made what you had official, so it was kept as a fling. He was with women as to you having the choice to be with other men.
Jojo and dio came onto a neutral ground. You've changed too. You changed your profession, and become very very built, or you saw it that way. You trained everyday, and ate healthier. Seeing as you never cared for dresses you started wearing very light ones more often.

But one day everything changed. Your dad came back and wanted to find you.
You had left without a trace, no notes or anything, moms stuff had disappeared too. He was livid. He asked people where you may have been. Someone knew.
"Joestar mannor? The hell she with rich people. Dumb bitch slinging like a gold digger!" He yelled as he got ready to go to that mannor.

You and dio were laying out in the grass when you both herd a horse coming to the house. Sitting up you instantly knew whom he was. You began to shake remembering different times. Dio saw you being shaken up, and thatd take a lot for that to happen. He looked to what you were looking at. "Whos that?" He asked, for the time y/n and dio knew each other, dios never seen your dad. He made sure of that.

"My father." You said sliding back down against the hill. He followed. He pulled you into his chest and rubbed your head. He knew you were going through something mentally at this moment.


"Yes? Can i assist you?" A maid asked. The greasy man, your father, coughed and glared. "Is my daughter y/n here? If so where?" He asked in a dark voice. The maid shook in fear. "I-ill ask whe-where shes at, pl-please come i-in." She said opening the door. He walked in, amazed. He then saw a boy, must be the joestars kid. jojo saw your dad enter, "can i help you?" He asked politely.

"Yes, im looking for y/n." He asked, jojo, knowing your family situation glared him down. "And who might you be?" He asked, the man glared back. "I'm her father." He said, "my daughter Is only here for the money! And if I can't have any, neither can she!" He yelled causing a scene. The maid came down stairs. "Shes out by the Field sir." she spoke, the man tipped his hat. "thanks wench." He said taking out a mini smoke pipe as he got outside. Jojo followed him.


Dio had calmed your nerves. You even almost fell asleep to be honest. He even enjoyed the comfort of you being with him. He genuinely wanted to ask you out  but hasnt gotten to opportunity to. which Is bull, but its an excuse. He herd foot steps coming closer.  "y/n.." he whispered. You looked up at him. He blushed but held you closer. "Your fathers here..." He said slowly. She sighed. "Found you... Brat." He yelled. He saw that you were in dios arms and laughed. "i knew you were trying to get close for their money." He said getting closer to the two of you. You stood up, and pulled dio up beside you.

"Who said I was taking their profit?" You asked. "Me, because I fucking raised you and taught you to share." he spoke angrily. You got mad at that statement. "You didn't fucking raise me, even that horrible Brando down the street could've raised me better than you!" You yelled. "You disappeared for years not telling me, I lived on my own, from 13 to 16! Father you were never there! I became a artist for this new family of mine!" You were getting into the argument so much you began walking closer to him, yelling. Both of you yelling, which caused Jojo and George to come outside. A slap was herd. "YOU DUMB TWAT NEVER KNOW WHEN TO SHUT UP! THIS IS HOW YOUR MOM DIED IN THE FIRST PLACE. DAMN ANNOYING CUNT!" he yelled hitting you for a second time, but dio caught him before he went for a third. "I think your welcome here Is of no use, please leave." Dio said with a deep and emotionless voice causing your father to back down.
Dio helped you up, you glared at your father. "I suggest you leave sir. She's apart of our family now." George said walking to the man. Your father was about to hit him when Jojo intervened. "Please leave before we have anymore problems." jojo spoke darkly. Your father looked back at a now bruised you.

You walk up to him, "I'll always love you, you are my father, but I'll never ever become you or forgive what you did to mother... now get the hell of this property." You said menacingly. Your dad scoffed and gave the bird walking off. You knew he was scared. Once you saw him ride off you fell to your knees.
"Y/n!?!" The three came to you. You bowed. "I'm very sorry if I caused a disturbance!" You apologized. George forgave you, even though he saw it as not your fault, but just accepted it. George left to be back inside.

Jojo and dio watched as you  sit up. You punched the ground repeatedly. Dio grabbing you holding you back so you dont hurt yourself. "THAT MAN! HE DESERVES TO BE KILLED! I let him hit me! Such a coward!" You yelled with tears about to burst. You had so much bottled Up. You stopped squriming around and relaxed. You leaned into dio, "man killed my mother. Beat me constantly, left me for dead for days..." You mumbled everything else as you cried. You moved here from America, thats where you and your mom used to live before dad killed her.

Then you moved here so you father wouldn't be found. You cried as dio kept you comfort. He nodded to jojo thatd hed help you. Jojo walked away.
Dio played with your hair to calm you down. He even gave little kisses on your head. Which helped you calm down. You both kinda just calmed down, it was around early evening when you decided it was time to go eat. You touched your cheek. You flinched at the pain. You looked at dio, he saw the bruise, "lets get some water. I'm sure Jojo has a meal for you too." Dio spoke standing up. You kinda felt sad, he was warm and comfy. He handed his hand to you. You gladly took it, his hand is huge compared to yours and even soft. You looked up at him and saw he was pink.

"Thank you." You said quietly. He looked down at you as you two walked towards the house. Hand in hand. Blushing he looked away, "uh you're welcome, dont get used to it.." He mumbled. You coudlnt help but see the blush and smile. 'Cute.' You thought.
You just stare at him for a bit. He had beautiful features, you could really call him a pretty boy. If anything make-up could fit him. hed probably go for green lipstick or something...

While eating dinner everything was kinda silent. Too awkward for you taste.
Yet you felt like it was just needed. You kinda just want to go to bed... You ate super quickly. The three watching you from the corner of their eyes.
"Y/n there is no rush." George said finally breaking the deadly silence. You hummed. "I'm just not in the right mind set right now" Your mind went blank. You froze, looking down at the brussle sprouts you dare not touch.
You felt a nudge. Looking at Jojo, who you sat Next too, raised a brow at you concerningly. You sighed. "I'm just sleepy." You said drinking the last of your water and got up. "I'm heading in early tonight. Good night." You said pushing in your chair. "G'night y/n." George said, jojo waved and dio watched your every step.

S͓̽t͓̽a͓̽r͓̽ ͓̽b͓̽o͓̽u͓̽n͓̽d͓̽ - dio brando x reader {Complete}Where stories live. Discover now