Chapter 14

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At NCIS Headquarter

In the interrogation room, Vance and McGee are interrogating George Freeman.

"What am I doing here? And your agents arrested me for no reason. I did nothing wrong." George was playing innocent.

"Then why was your company's car used for abduction of one of my federal agents! " Vance said and slammed his hand on the table.

"What are you talking about? I didn't abduct anyone." George said.

"We didn't even say that it was you! And not just for abduction. You are involved in the shootout. One of your men shot a former FBI agent." McGee said calmly.

"What! FBI agent?" George said. He was surprised when McGee said FBI agent.

Vance put Sloane's photo in front of him. And then he put Gibbs's photo next to her.

"This is Agent Sloane and this is Agent Gibbs. They both are abducted while they were working undercover. And agent Sloane was abducted by your people and your company's car was used for it. And you can't deny it because we have evidence against you." Vance said in anger.

"And you are also involved in arms dealing with Russians and other countries. And we have your call records and your travel records. That shows that you have been travelling to Russia in the last six months more than 5 times.

And your company's not doing good lately. And we have your bank records here..... your account details said that in the last two months you got millions of dollars in transactions from out of the country. So here is the question. How can you're earning this huge amount of money without getting profits? What do think Director?" McGee said as he put all copies of his records.

"That's a very interesting question, agent McGee. In my opinion, only Mr Freeman can answer this question. Would like to tell us, Mr Freeman?" Vance and McGee are playing with his mind. And it's working.

"I would like to talk with my lawyer," Freeman replied.

"Not until we find agent Gibbs and Sloane. We know that you are not working alone. We know that who's the headmaster of this school. And he is using you to get done his dirty work." Vance said. George was out of the zone.
After a very long pause, George replied.

"You talking to me?" Freeman was blank like slate.

Vance raised his eyebrows in surprise and replied.

"Oh... no... no. I and agent McGee are playing a blame game with each other. We love to play this game.

OF COURSE, WE ARE TALKING TO YOU. AND YOU ARE NOT COOPERATING WITH US. THERE'S TWO PEOPLE'S LIFE ON THE LINE AND YOU DON'T CARE ABOUT IT." Vance said as he threw the chair and slammed his hands on the table and leaned forward to Freeman. Freeman jumped in his chair as Vance was yelling at him.

"Look, you have two options. You can give your statement against Crawford and we guaranteed that you will get not a death sentence.

Or we can charge you with arms dealing with Russians and betraying our country. Abduction charges for abducting agent Sloane and charges against you for shooting an on-duty federal agent.

I think it's enough to send you jail and I request the judge and jury that they get you a death sentence.

Now the choice is yours. C'mon agent McGee. We are done here." Vance and McGee stand up and almost leave the room. But Freeman stops them.

"Wait... I will tell you everything. But I want to make a deal first." Freeman said.

"Like I said we are done here," Vance said and was about to close the door.

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