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06 | Soulmates

   MAL was her only option. Mal was the only one that she knew she could trust who was also capable of doing the spell, she only hoped Mal would agree.

It was the afternoon after the cotillion and most students had decided to take that Sunday to relax. Many stayed in their dorm rooms either still sleeping from the late-night or watching television. However, Winter stood on the other side of Mal and Evie's room door shifting nervously.

She knew Evie was in Doug's room as they always spent the night together after these big events. Mal and Ben did too, but Winter also knew that Ben left first thing in the morning because he had to attend to his royal duties.

Winter had almost talked herself out of coming numerous times throughout the night and early morning, but her hunger to know the truth was driving her insane. And so were those blue eyes.

"Okay, just do it, get it over with," Winter raised her hand and slapped herself, cringing in pain after.

Her hand raised, shaking as she prepared to knock. Breathing out, Winter knocked a few times before resting her hands behind her back standing rod-straight. She waited a few moments before she heard a groan and shuffling.

Mal suddenly opened the door looking rather disheveled with her purple hair everywhere and wearing nothing but one of Ben's large t-shirts. It was not that hard to guess what the couple had been doing all night.

Winter smiled as Mal yawned, tilting her head.

"Sorry, did I wake you?" Winter questioned in a guilty manner. "I can come back later..."

"No, no," Mal shook her head, knowing that it was rare Winter actually came to see anybody.

She did not want to scare the girl off from potential future visits. Or at least, Mal hoped this was the start of Winter making more of an effort to include herself.

"I was just laying down, but to what do I owe the pleasure?" Mal asked in a friendly manner, Winter looking around uncomfortably.

She did not want anyone to see or hear this.

"Can we talk privately?" Winter hesitantly whispered, Mal furrowing her brows but nodding and moving out of the way so that Winter could enter the room.

Evie and Mal's room was not nearly as neat as Winter's as they had some random items littering the floor, their desks were filled to the brim, and one of the beds was unmade. (Winter guessed it Mal's).

Not to mention, there was a rather funky smell about the room that Winter had a slight idea as to what it was. However, she said nothing, only turning back to Mal who closed the door.

"Okay, Mal, promise you won't tell anybody," Winter said, nervously rubbing her gloved hands down her arm.

Mal tilted her head, her eyes narrowing in suspicion and concern. "Tell anyone what?"

Winter sighed, once again debating if she should go through with this. Once she spilled the beans to Mal, there was no going back.

A pair of ocean eyes and a wild smile wrapped around Winter's vision and like that her decision was made. She had to know, at least if it was true then that would mean she was not going insane.

"Winter?" Mal questioned walking toward Winter who snapped.

"Okay, I can't stop thinking about him—"

"—Who, Harry?"

"Yeah, but—wait? How did you know that?" Winter was startled by the knowing smirk on Mal's face and the snicker she gave.

𝐅𝐑𝐎𝐙𝐄𝐍 ✶ 𝐇𝐀𝐑𝐑𝐘 𝐇𝐎𝐎𝐊Where stories live. Discover now