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LOVE was a funny thing.

Winter could have sworn that she was in love with Jay just hours ago, but now with a clear head, she realized just how fake that had been. Whatever the hell her brief fling with Jay was had definitely not been love, Mal was right — it was an obsession.

It was nothing compared to how she felt with Harry. And that was saying something seeing as she deftly believed that she was not in love with Harry.

Of course, she was not in love with Harry, she couldn't have been, no way.

But still, even whatever it was that she felt for Harry was a billion times more real than that phony obsession she and Jay had for each other.

Still, she could not believe that she actually forgot Harry. I mean who could forget Harry Hook — he was one of those people that one could simply never forget. But again, the thought of thinking his name had been Herbert Hookem caused Winter to snort.

She squinted against the bright sun that was hitting her face and warming her always chilly skin. The sound of the ocean and the crew below brought her solace, she could not wait to see just where they were heading this time around.

Perhaps it would be another hidden island or an ancient tomb concealing treasures? Who knew, but she was sure excited to experience whatever adventure the Lost Revenge brought her, Harry, and the rest of the crew too.

"Me duckling, whatcha ye doin' all the way up here?" Winter looked down from where she was leaning against the banister of the crow's nest.

She loved the crow's nest, it was the highest point of the entire ship and she could see the miles upon miles from here. The salty ocean air tickled against her nose as she watched the rolling blue waves.

Winter could fly, so getting into the crow's nest did not take much effort for her at all. However, on the other hand, Harry could not fly so he was stuck climbing the ropes like a normal person to get up there.

Harry grunted while heaving himself over the banister, a small smile splitting over Winter's face.

She opened her mouth, ready to answer his question, but stopped short. What was she doing up here? Actually, what was she doing on this damn ship all the way in the middle of nowhere? What the hell was going on?

"Winterfell," Winter's heart stopped at the name Harry called her, her full name slipping out of his mouth as though he had said it a hundred times before, "what's the matter?" he was looking at her in concern.

But how did he know that name? Winter was confused and beginning to panic. What was going on?

She shuffled and it was then that she took note of what she was wearing. Leather and chains? Winter brought a hand to her head, feeling a tricorn hat atop it, just like the one Harry was wearing. She was dressed in true pirate fashion.

𝐅𝐑𝐎𝐙𝐄𝐍 ✶ 𝐇𝐀𝐑𝐑𝐘 𝐇𝐎𝐎𝐊Where stories live. Discover now