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   FOR Winter, the summer was a blast. She could not count the number of times her and her cousins went ice-skating, swimming (which eventually turned into ice-skating), exploring through the forests, riding on reindeers, helping Kristoff cut the ice up at the northern mountains, dancing with the people in the town square, and many more fun activities.

Sitara and Winter also got the opportunity to get to know Alexar better, Winter now thought he was absolutely perfect for Soren. As Alexar and Soren were looking for a third to join in their relationship (something that Sitara and Winter supported fully), both girls had also tried looking for them.

Soren eventually got annoyed at the number of girls being flung at him and his boyfriend, Soren deciding to tell the girls that they were fine finding a third on their own. He said it would happen when it happens.

Winter wondered on multiple occasions what that would mean when it happened as Soren was destined to be crowned the next King of Arendelle, so what would his significant others be named?

Not to mention, Soren still refused to tell his parents. Though, Jack ended up finding out because he made the same mistake as Sitara and Winter by walking in on Soren and Alexar. Except for this time, the couple had been in the gardens.

Jack was laughing for hours, Soren making him swear not to mention it to his parents. Jack, reluctantly agreed but not without advising Soren to tell his parents soon.

After all, it was not like Anna or Kristoff would care—everyone knew that. Soren was simply embarrassed. He could not even imagine how the first family dinner that Alexar attended would go.

It was not unoften that family dinners ended chaotically, especially when Jack, Elsa, and Winter came over for dinner every Saturday and Sunday. There had been multiple times this summer alone that dinner ended with a food fight.

One time it even ended with Sitara, Anna, and Jack reelingly drunk. The only ones sober by the end of it were Elsa, Soren, Kristoff, and Winter. Elsa and Soren did not dare let Winter touch a drop of alcohol, even if Jack kept saying it was okay.

Above that, Winter had also lost count on how many fashion shows Sitara and she put on for each other. They decided to use the perks of being royalty, both of them going into the family riches and buying many different things from the town.

Overall, the summer had been fantastic as it always was, but now it was coming to a close. Winter would be leaving in a few hours to go back to Auradon Prep for the first semester.

She had already told her cousins goodbye, not without tears of course. That was always the hardest part, saying goodbye to the people she most loved. Sitara; however, said she may swing by Auradon sometime this year for a little trip. She was planning on forcing Alexar and Soren to go as well, something that Winter was desperately looking forward to.

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