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Some people think that the quarantine period is a blessing.

Some people feel that this quarantine period is a nuisance..

But what i see,
Less car on the road, less fuel combustion,
So the Earth can take a rest for a while fron the overwhelming pollution.

Family members are all in the house,
Spending time together to catch up things and creating new memories.

Less or maybe zero nightclub open, making no people go there,
Thus less 'maksiat' occured since these pass few days and hoping the number out-of-wedlock child will be reduce.

The hardworks of all the healthcare staff now has been looked up by people,
Even the tiny task like cleaner now has been recognised as a very important task that contribute to nation.

Subhanallah, His fate is so beautiful.
No matter what, always look at the bright side.💕

InsyaAllah it only for a few days.
We hope by this 14 period of quarantine, our health minister will able to curb and control the COVID-19 infection.😷

Let's pray the situation will get better before the Ramadhan come.
And may Allah protect all the medical staff from those infections. 😢

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