Florida Pt 2

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Its been two days since the bonfire incident.

The boys were being very protective especially Adam.

I told them it wasn't necessary, but they just wanted to make use I was ok.

Me, Vanessa, and Jasmine were in the bathroom.

I was doing my makeup and Jasmine was helping Vanessa with her hair.

We we going to the mall today and then we were going out for lunch.

"Whats taken so long." Adam complained from the living room.

"Don't get your panties in a twist." I shouted back.

"It'll be night time by the time you girls are finished." Adam said sighing

"Quit complaining." I say annoyed.

After a few minutes me, Jasmine, and Vanessa walk out the bathroom.

The boys stand up with their mouths hitting the floor.

"You'll catch flies, boys." Vanessa says snapping her fingers in there faces.

We walk out and walk to the RV.

I feel someones hands around my waist.

"Im not liking that out fit Willows." Adam say smirking.

"Because boys will be starring." I ask.

"Exactly." Adam says holding me closer to him.

We arrive at the mall and it's bigger than the one back home.

Jasmine screams at the sight of H&M.

She runs into the store faster than flash himself.

The rest of us runs after her and search the racks for clothes.

Jamsine goes over to some cute tops and grab some shorts.

We finish shopping at H&M and I go over to my favorite store HotTopic.

"I didn't know you were into this type of stuff Cassidy. Eli says looking around the store.

"Shes has great taste." Adam says looking at the shirts.

My inner emo from sixth grades comes out as I grab all the Panic At The Disco and My Chemical Romance things.

"You do have great taste." Vanessa says grabbing a Billie Eilish shirt and beanie.

We pay for everything and the boys help carry our bags.

We see the food court and walk we decided to take a break in eat.

"So glad it isn't Sunday." Jasmine says getting in line for Chick- Fil- A.

"Im gonna get Panda Express." I say walking to the line.

Adam takes my hand and walks with me.

"I also didn't know you liked HotTopic." Adam says as we get in line.

"I had the biggest emo phase during middle school." I say.

"Emo Cassidy, thats hot." Adam says rubbing his hand on his chin.

"Others call it embarrassing." I say tucking strands of hair behind my ear.

"Like I said Emo Cassidy would be hot." He says looking at the menu.

Everyone gets their food and we find a place to eat.

I take a bite off my orange chicken and feel my phone vibrate from my pocket.

I check to see who it is and put my phone down when I see who it is.

That earns me stares from the others.

"You ok Cassidy?" Jack ask taking a bite from his sub.

My notice I received a text from Daniel.

Adam takes my phone and his burns bright with anger.

He puts my phone down and walks away.

"What was that about?" Eli ask.

"I'll go talk to him." I day following him.

When I catch up to him and is pacing back in forth outside.

"How can you still be texting him?" Adam yells when I call his name.

"I forgot to block his number. I haven't been texting him." I say calmly.

"Bullshit!" He says.

The rest of the group walks out to see why we haven't returned.

"Jack, can you believe this? Adam says putting his arms on his brother shoulders.

"What is going on Cassidy." Jack ask confused.

Before I can speak Adam speaks for me.

"Cassidy has been talking to Daniel." He says pointing to me.

"He just messaged me today." I say pulling out my phone.

"Shut up, Adam!" Vanessa says to Adam when she noticed me tearing up.

Eli and Jack pull Adam towards the RV to calm down.

"Are you okay?" Jasmine ask hugging me.

"I'll be fine." I say wiping the tears away.

The ride back to the hotel is quite.

The boys go back into their room and Adam slams the door.

"Okay now he his doing too much." Vanessa says getting ready to confront Adam.

"Just forget about" I say.

She sits down and we turn on the tv.

Later while everyone is asleep I wake up to knocking.

I quickly walk to the door and see Adam in the peephole.

"What do you want?" I as pissed.

"Im sorry." Adam say with his head down.

"Eli explained everything." Adam says.

I guess Jasmine told him.

"Okay, but you're not forgiven." I say trying to walk back inside.

"Please Cassidy." Adam begs.

I ignore him walking back to my bed and going back to sleep.

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