The Party

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(Adam Olives played by José Giména Zapiola)

It was Friday, the day of the party. I was at my locker grabbing my bag and waited for Jasmine.

I see Jasmine walking towards me, but she was distracted on her phone.

"Earth to Jasmine." I say snapping my fingers in her face.

"Sorry girl, I was texting Eli." Jasmine tells me as we head to my car.

Since me and Jasmine are riding to the party together I offered her a ride after school.

We arrive at my house and walk inside.

"Cassidy have you seen Giblets?" Leo ask as me and Jasmine enter the house.

Giblets is Leo pet guinea pig. Before I can answer Emily starts screaming.

"Leo come get your rat from my room!" Emily runs out of her room screaming.

"Giblets isn't a rat, its a guinea pig." Leo corrects Emily as he goes in to get Giblets.

Me and Jasmine head to my room to get ready.

I am wearing blue jeans with a black tube top and jean jacket while Jasmine is wearing black leggings with a white crop top.

As me and Jasmine walk downstairs my dad walks in.

"Where might you be going?" My dad ask as he scans what Im wearing.

"We're going to a party to celebrate the start of senior year." Jasmine explains.

"Yea and we'll be back before 11pm." I say to my dad so we can hurry up and not be late.

My dad tells us to be back by 10 and we walk out.

We arrive at the party and theres a lot going on.

There are teens making out, loud music, and when we walk inside the smell of alcohol nearly knocks us to the ground.

Jasmine notices Eli and makes her way over to him, leaving me to myself.

I make my way to the drinks and pour me some lemonade.

"What do we have here?" I turn to see Adam standing in front of me.

"Hi Adam." Is all can say as a take another sip of my lemonade.

We make small talk before he leaves to talk to another girl.

I decide to enjoy myself and dance.

While dancing Im stopped by someone cheering me on.

I stop to see Jack clapping me on for my dance moves.

"Hey Jack." I squeeze him into a hug and let go so we can talk.

He takes my hand and leads me to the backyard.

"When do you think I can listen to your music?" Jack ask as we sit down on som chairs.

"I dont think I'm ready to share my music." I say.

Jack tells me he understands and we start talking.

The talk is interpreted when Jasmine walks drunkly outside to where me and Jack are sitting.

"Come on lets get you home." I start getting up when Jack starts helping me with Jasmine.

When I get to my car I thank Jack for helping me and get into the driver side.

"I'll see you at school." Jack says as he watches me back out and drive to my house.

I arrive home I get Jasmine in the house and into my room.

I called Jasmine's mom to let her know that she is at my house.

I get Jasmine in the bed and I change myself into my pajamas.

I receive a text from Jack asking if I made it home safe.

I text back letting him know that I'm fine and I go to bed.

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