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JadeClan -


Mintstar - Silver she-cat with bright green eyes

Apprentice - Goldenpaw
Deputy -

Darkfire - Deep brown tom with green eyes
Medicine Cat -

Sagenose - Brown tom with blue eyes
Warriors -

Echoleaf - Black she-cat with blue eyes and gray paws

Apprentice - Heavypaw

Hollygleam - Brown she-cat with golden paws and ears, brown eyes

Rockleaf - Brown tom with brown eyes

Leafclaw - Black tom with golden eyes

Apprentice - Sharp (Yes, the same Sharp as from Warriors: Prophecy of The Stars)

Lakefur - Blue she-cat with amber eyes

Reedfrost - Black tom with a red stripe down his back and blue eyes

Frozenclaw - White she-cat with amber eyes

Tawnyheart - Brown she-cat with brown eyes

Yellowtail - Silvery/yellowish tom with golden eyes

Icefur - White tom with brown eyes
Apprentices -

Goldenpaw - Golden tom with golden eyes

Heavypaw - Long haired gray tom with blue eyes

Sharp - Former warrior of a long off Stormclan, driven out by her former leader for 'trying to kill him' and ran away to JadeClan, a long long distance..Only apprentice because she doesnt know the ways of JadeClan. Many colored, gray, red, brown, white she-cat with gray eyes
Queens & Their Kits -

Gleamstrike - Silver and golden she-cat with blue eyes

Kits - Flamekit - Fire colored tom with golden eyes, Silverkit - Silver she-cat with silver eyes, (Adopted daughter -->)Dawnkit - Silver body with golden head and Silver ears she-cat with blue eyes, and Mintkit - Flame and Silver colored she-cat

Lightslice - Black she-cat with a white streak in the shape of a claw mark on side and bright blue eyes

Kits - Heatherkit - Silver she-cat with green eyes, Nightkit - Black tom with golden eyes, Badgerkit - black tom with white markings like a badger and dark brown eyes, and Thistlekit - Silver and brown tom with golden eyes
Elders -

Swiftlight - Gray tom with green eyes

BlackClan -

Leader -

Ratstar - Black tom  with green eyes and claw marks on his face
Deputy -

Clawpelt - Silver she-cat with claw marks down her side and golden eyes
Medicine Cat -

Frozenherb - White she-cat with ice blue eyes, not blind

Apprentice - Whitepaw
Warriors -

Rainsweep - Blue she-cat with green eyes

Fernswipe - Silver tom with green eyes

Goldenleaf - Golden tom with blue eyes

Sharptail - Brown she-cat with green eyes

Apprentice - Amberpaw

Dustwing - Dusty brown tom with amber eyes

Blacksky - Black she-cat with a white paw and amber eyes

Lilybloom - White she-cat with golden eyes

Apprentice - Leafpaw
Apprentices -

Whitepaw - White tom with brown eyes

Amberpaw - Amber colored she-cat with blue eyes

Leafpaw - Brown tom with golden eyes
Queens & Their Kits -

Minnowfern - Blue she-cat with blue eyes

Kits - Sweetkit - Silver she-cat with amber eyes
Elders -

GoldenClan -

Leader -

Sunstar - Golden she-cat with green eyes

Apprentice - Emberpaw
Deputy -

Firespark - Flame colored tom with green eyes and black paws
Medicine Cat -

Angelheart - White she-cat with black eyes
Warriors -

Gleamriver - Silver tom with blue eyes

Bloodlight - Red she-cat with a white stripe on her back

Apprentice - Wingpaw

Wolfclaw - Wolf like tom with blue eyes

Larkriver - Blue she-cat with amber eyes

Petalstrike - Silver she-cat with pink tint and green eyes

Apprentice - Heatherpaw
Queens & Their Kits -

Apprentices -

Emberpaw - Flame colored she-cat with blue eyes

Wingpaw - Gray she-cat with blue eyes
Elders -

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