3. Lesson: Suffixes

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Here comes the next lesson.

I - Én
You - Te
He/She/It - Ő
We - Mi
You - Ti
They - Ők

We don't use he/she/it and we don't care about girl/boy/object things. Good news aren't they?

I am - Én vagyok
You are - Te vagy
He/She/It is - Ő van
We are - Mi vagyunk
You are - Ti vagytok
They are - Ők vannak

It's not that difficult.

(to) love - szeret(ni)
Én szeretek - I love
Te szeretsz - You love
Ő szeret - He/She/It loves
Mi szeretünk - We love
Ti szerettek - You love
Ők szeretnek - They love

Similar? I think it is.

Én + verb + -ok, -ök, -ek stb.
Te + verb + -ol, -öl -sz stb.
Ő + verb + nothing
Mi + verb + -unk, -ünk
Ti + verb + -tok, -tök, -tek stb.
Ők + verb + -nak, -nek

In 'you' so 'te' it can look complicated, but it's not as bad as it seems.
If we use a verb that ends with s or z or sz or zs we don't use -sz because it'd be hard to pronounce. Also Hungarian tries to avoid consonants next to eachother. Words like strand (beach). It' very rare to have 3 consonant next to eachother. We use vowels between them. The vowel depends on the word. Is it high or low sounded word? (Is it correct? Tell me if it isn't!)

High vowels are: e, é, i, í, ü, ű, ö, ő
Low vowels are: a, á, u, ú, o, ó
Teniszütő - tennis racket
Autó - car

If the verb is high like: tesz (put)
Tesz(el) -e because it's high.
And we didn't use -sz because 'sz' is the end of the word.😉
Or low like: olvas
Olvasol -o because it's low.
And we didn't use -sz because the end of the word is 's'.

Some words:

Olvas(ni) - (to) read
Beszélni - to speak
Állni - to stand
Ülni - to sit
Feküdni - to lay
Játszani - to play
Rajzolni - to draw
Zenét hallgatni - to listen to music
Zene - music
Hallgatni - to listen

Én hallgat+ok
Te hallgat+sz
Ő hallgat+
Mi hallgat+unk
Ti hallgat+tok
Ők hallgat+nak

a, o low except hallgatunk but we always use -unk or -ünk so... yeah.

Én ül+ök
Te ül+sz
Ő ül+
Mi ül+ünk
Ti ül+tök
Ők ül-nek

ü, ö, e high

A very important things that you can't forget!!!->
|-k= -s|!!! For plural verbs!!!
We ALWAYS use it!

You can try it too.
It's getting complicated I know but don't give up! In the next lesson we'll learn suffixes, preverbs, articles and postpositions.


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