Describe yourself!
You know the colours and the parts of the body. Let's practise them!But 1st. I have.../nekem van...
Nekem haj+-am van.
Neked haj+-ad van.
Neki haj+a van.
Nekünk haj+-unk van.
Nektek haj+-atok van.
Nekik haj+-uk van.Ok! Let's go!
I have brown hair.
Barna hajam van.I have blue eyes.
Kék szemeim vannak. (plural)I have two ears.
Két fülem van.I have black hair.
Fekete hajam van.I have white/black skin.
Fehér/Fekete bőröm van.Nice! We used -m!
Now let's talk about you!
You have brown eyes.
Barna szemeid vannak.
(still plural)You have brown hair.
Barna hajad van.You have white skin.
Fehér bőröd van.You have two arms.
Két karod van.You have 10 toes.
Tíz lábujjad van.We used -d!
And so on...
Now some words.
kövér-fat (for people)
szép-beautiful (i hope i wrote it right xD)
rövid-short (longness)
alacsony-short (tallness)
magas-tall/highYou are tall.
Magas vagy.You are beautiful.
Szép vagy.He is short.
(Not: Alacsony van!!!! that would mean: Here is short.)We are tall.
Magasak vagyunk.
You have beautiful hair.
Szép hajad van.She has a thin mouth.
Vékony szája van.First we use the adjectives and then we use the subject and 'be' is the end.
Use the -k suffix for plural verbs and the suffixes for the personal pronouns. (I/you/(he/she/it)/we/you/they.)Describe something from yourself in Hungarian.
Write it in a comment.Sziasztok!👋🙂🇭🇺