My Pain: Chapter Four.

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What is it like?
Honestly, I still don't know, I'm not sure how I should feel, what I'm suppose to do or how to do it.

Watching as Hasina sat down, smiling like it was best day of her life. I sat down frowning. I felt like I was slowly being strangled, breathing hardly but I've felt this way before it doesn't change that it still hurts like hell. Hasina my father's bride often glances at me with a smirk, she was happy. She ruined a family already at the brink of failure.

Maybe its better this way, maybe not. I could tell she was planning something to make things worse for me, I could feel it but I can't leave, Abbi made sure of that.

"You okay?" Sakinah my cousin asks.
I smile. "I'm just tired, that's all. I think I'm just going to go home".

I get up and start making my way out but...

"Now...Everyone the speech made personally by the step daughter...Everyone please welcome Suhaiba Danjuma, as she blesses her father's new marriage" the MC says and everyone starts clapping, most people turned their attention to me.
Some with pity and some with smiles.
"You don't have to do it" Sakinah says.

I don't reply her, instead I walk to the stage.
No...This feeling was worse, its worse than everything I've ever felt before, I tried so hard to pretend I can handle this but I can't and now I'm not sure what the outcome might be.

He hands me the mic with a smile.
I stand in front of all the crowd, my father's friends, my relatives and neighbours.

"I...At first I was shocked to hear about the wedding but now—" I smile "—Sorry I'm just emotional but after getting to know Hasina, I know that she...She is exactly" I pause and look at her, she had a smile plastered on her face, she wanted me to fuck up in front of everyone and if I continue the way I started I know I will so instead I'll lead this in a way I feel would be better.

I smile again when I turn to look at the patient faces looking at me.
"I can't lie...This was seriously unexpected, how was I supposed to know the same girl coming to our house to greet my mum for 2years would end up marrying my dad, it never occurred to me it was just a mockery visit at least not until I found out she was the bride" I turn and look at her, she looked shocked and for the first time in days I smile, a genuine smile. "I pray and hope this is worth all your hard work these past few years because I'd be lying if I said I was happy to be here, anyway I wish you two all the happiness in the world" I hand the MC the mic and slowly got off stage and back to me seat.

"Damn! That was epic"
I turn around and see Salim sitting beside me with a smile.

"When did you get here?" I ask Happy to see him.

"The moment you got on stage. You know I wouldn't miss it for the world...Ready?" he asks.

I pick up my purse.
"Are you staying?" I ask Sakinah.
"Yeah, I'm going with a friend"

I nod and walk out with Salim.

"I'll go get the car..." he walks away.
I stand smiling, feeling proud of myself even though I know Abbi will kill me.

"So did that come from the heart?"
"Huh?" I turn around and freeze.

"You said things like this come from the heart...So did it?"

"Atiq? Wow!" I say speechless "When did you get back? What are you doing here?"

"Abba said I had to attend so here I am, by the way that was a great speech. Astonishing".

"Thanks. It came from within" I say.
He smiles. I missed his smile badly, never realised it until I saw it but at least it looks more genuine than it did 6years ago.

"So...You're staying this time?" I ask the only question I was dying to know.
"Hopefully, its all therapy and therapy there"

I laugh, sometimes he had the weirdest jokes.
"Suhaiba?" Salim calls me.

Atiq raises his eyebrows indicating he didn't know who Salim is.

"Wow! what are you two eating? You've gotten a lot older and bigger since I last saw you two"

AND did I mention his sense of humor is wayyy better? Because it really is.
Salim laughs.

"Anyway, I came with a friend and he's waiting, it was nice to see you two again. My regards to Meenah too" he walks off smiling.

"Wait! Was it just me or that seemed out of place? Was that really Atiq? When did he become humorous?" Salim asks.

"I don't know but I like it" I say watching him walk away.
"Let's go" Salim says pulling me.


Atiq? As in Atiku?

Yeah. The only Atiq you know.

Wow! That's great. How is he?

He looks great and kinder and maybe now...We can work things out.

Things? Look Suhaiba he is just back. Don't get your hopes up because I don't want to see you getting heart broken again.

We're both adults now maybe things could change.

Are you going to give your heart for 'maybe?' because it's not right. He said you're grown up for God sake. Since you don't have experience let me tell you...Telling a girl she has grown up isn't a pick up line. It's the kind of thing you tell your 13year old cousin just to make her feel good, nothing makes teenagers happy than telling them they look older. I just don't want you to get hurt, okay? Please just think things through and don't do anything rash. Okay?


I'll call you tomorrow for now I gotta go. Think about it.

She ends the call.

I love her.


"Did something happen yesterday at the wedding that I wasn't informed?" Suleiman Danjuma asks his bride.

"No. Why do you ask?" Hasina asks back.
"You just seem a bit angry"

She laughs. "I'm not. But I do have something to discuss with you".

"What is it?" he asks putting his arms around her shoulder.

"That boy you told me about...Atiku. He's not married, right?"

"Yeah. Why do you ask?"
"I saw he and Suhaiba talking for a long time last night after the wedding, for hours" she lies.

"No. Maybe it's Salim".
"I know Salim and that wasn't him. I think the two of them like each other. Maybe they are afraid to confess it so I want to help my new daughter with her love life".

"But you know his-"
"I know but if she loves him and he has even an inkling of feeling for her shouldn't we help them set the foundation?"

"You're right, I didn't know you cared so much about her".
"Someone has to"

"Okay, I'll speak to Aliyu as soon as possible".

She smiles "Great!"


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