My Pain: Chapter Sixteen.

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*5 Months Later*

If you had asked me seven months back what today will look like, I'd probably say my marriage with Atiq is going well and I'm probably pregnant but no, it's nothing like that.
Everyone seems either busy, unhappy or both.

Atiq is busy and unhappy, he says he can never be happy when he knows he has Alexithymia. He is always either at work or travelling for work, work keeps him stable.

Amina is busy, with her child and work she rarely has time for hanging out with friends. She and I talk on the phone but I haven't seen her in over a month.

Abdullahi is busy and unhappy, he drowns himself in work, it's like he's trying to escape going home. We all thought if he got married things would be getter but we were all wrong.

Umaima is unhappy, her husband gives her little attention, she never lacks or asks for anything. She gets everything she asks for except for his attention. His mind is far away and so is his heart.

Salim is busy, with work. He works as an international translator in France, Kuwait, Oman and Qatar. Who knew learning French and so much Arabic would be so important.

And lastly I, Suhaiba who is just unhappy.
My husband doesn't want me to work so all I do is watch, cook, sleep and hang out with anyone who is free. Mostly Umaima because she is the only one who is constantly free. At least she has her own business. Ya Abdullahi let her do it so she can get off his case but he's not into his wife doing business.

If I had my own child it wouldn't be this miserable, not at all but the person with the other 50% of my chance of having a child Is currently not interested.


"What are you insinuating?" I ask Umaima.
I didn't know what to say to her.
If I agree it might cause Ya Abdullahi problems which he doesn't need right now and if I don't agree she'll think she can't trust me because whether I'm her friend or not I'm still his sister so I'll always be by his side.

"I think he's cheating on me".
"What?!" I knew that was what she was thinking but hearing her say it sounds wrong.

"No. I don't think that's the case. You two have only been married for 5months now".

"I know but Suhaiba he is barely around, he always finds excuses to leave the house. During weekends he just spends the whole day watching, sleeping or he goes out" she starts crying hysterically.

"I doubt he's cheating, I'm not saying he's not but Ya Abdullahi has been this way for a long time, I can't tell exactly when but it's been going on for a long time".

"Are you sure it's not because he's your brother?"
"I am, 100% sure".


"So you two came all the way to my shop to talk to me about Ya Abdullahi?" Amina asks with a smirk on her face.

"I'm telling you, it's important" Umaima says her eyes looking puffy.

"Okay, what is it? I have alot of orders so hurry. I want to do it before Meema wakes up and confuse the hell out of me".

They pull me to one of the tables, we sit around it.
"You know Abdullahi, you get along with him, Kamal too. When did he change exactly?"

"What?!" she asks confusedly.
"Umaima thinks he's cheating but I think it's just disappointment and heartbreak. I'm not sure but he has been like this for a long time, right?"

"What? Ya Abdullahi is fine, he seems normal and seems happy every single time I see him".

"Really?" Umaima asks confused "I suspect it because he always keeps his laptop away, he doesn't like me touching it and I feel something is weird".

Amina starts laughing.
"He keeps his phone unlocked and locks his laptop, how is that something to worry about? Maybe it's because there are important files that's why".

"Yeah, maybe you're just being insecure" I say. Amina was right what could he be hiding in his laptop anyway.

"Or maybe I'm the one he doesn't love".
"No! Don't say that I'm sure he does" Amina says hugging her.

"Oh God! I didn't even ask him what he wants for dinner" She pulls away from Amina and hurries out to make a call.

"Wow! What's wrong exactly? I'm confused".
I laugh "Thank god I'm not the only one".

Umaima comes back in. "Well I have to go home now, it's getting late. Come on Suhaiba let's go".

"Oh you two came with your car?" Amina asks.
"Awwn, I really thought we could talk a little since you've been busy alot" I tell Amina with a pout.

She looks at her watch "It's just 4:20, Halim agreed that I can be home by 6:30 since he just wants to eat something light today, so I'm taking something from the shop with me. What about you?"

"Atiku traveled so I'm all alone at home. So I should be home before seven".

She turns to Umaima "You can go, I'll drop her off on my way home".

"Okay. Bye" she walks out in a hurry.


"Damn!" Amina curses, we were in the middle of making dumplings.

"What?" I ask.
"I had a package for Umaima and Kamal but she just left".

"What time is it?"
"4:54. Oh! Let me call Abdullahi".

"He's not going to answer".
"I have to try".

She starts calling, to my surprise he picks up. She just smiles and walks out.

Ameema starts crying, she was on the second floor so I hurry upstairs and pick her up. By the time I got back Meenah was already back behind the counter.

"I called them both, they just escaped the office. They're on their way here".

"Great". I say back smiling at my niece.


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