My Pain: Chapter Eleven.

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Suhaiba's POV.

He walks in and smiles.
"You look nervous" he says smiling.

"I do?"
"Yeah you do, you okay?"

"Yeah. I'm fine"
"Okay then, take your bath I'll be right back" he gives me a peck on the cheek and walks out.


I roll and groan, my eyes slowly getting used to the brightness that illuminated the room.
I quickly sit up, I was still wearing my so called night gown and Atiq's side of the bed was still properly made.

I wanted to cry but I kept telling myself he might have had a reason for not spending the night with me.

I walk downstairs and find him sleeping on the couch, looking seriously uncomfortable.
"Atiku?" I call him.

He groans and pushed my hand away.
"What?" he asks abruptly sitting up.

"Why didn't you come to bed last night?"
"Isn't it obvious?" he raises his eyebrows but I stay quiet, he turns away "Because I'm not even slightly interested in sleeping with you"

I could literally feel my heart skip a beat.
"Are you deaf? Or are you just acting stupid?"

I stay quiet. He looks at me from head to toe. "But you're looking sexy though" he says folding his blanket and walking upstairs.

I didn't even notice when I started crying, alot. Then why did he sleep on the couch, he should have at least gone to his room or the guest room.


I keep his food on the center table "Or would you prefer the dining table?"

"No, it's fine here. Thanks" he says not even sparing me a glance.
I get my food and sit on the couch next to his.

"I'm sorry about this morning" I turn and see him looking at me, although he didn't look as sympathetic as he sounds it was fine with me, as long as he apologizes, that was all that mattered to me right now.

"It's just that I forget to be sympathetic and empathetic sometimes, I know better than to say and do what I did. I'm sorry".

"Forgetting empathy? Really?"
He laughs "I'm not proud, it's already a part of me now" I laugh, he even cracks jokes.

"It's fine, the fact that you know you were wrong really means alot to me"
He smiles and continues eating.

I was really hoping the conversation would last longer.


Abdullahi's POV.

"What?! Getting married to Umaima?" Kamal asks with his mouth wide open.

"I don't love anyone, at least it's not like I can be with the woman I love and time doesn't wait for anyone. I already talked to Mama about it"

"You should have told me, so we would discuss it and make sure you don't regret your decision"

I nod "I know and that's exactly why I spoke to Mama first. I don't want to change my mind".

"Everyone is happy, shouldn't you also be happy? Or don't you deserve it?"

"I do, I know but I don't know how. Don't think you can make me change my mind because I won't" I say finally parking at the office parking lot.

"Fine I just hope you don't regret it".


Suhaiba's  POV.

I sat there watching glass for the sixth time, I never get tired of watching movies about multiple personalities, they're crazy interesting.

Atiq comes in and sits on the arm of the chair I'm sitting on.
"Seems like you're cooking something" he takes a deep breath "Potatoes?"

I gasp "How did you know?"
He smiles and gets off sitting on the couch beside mine "I've always had a sharp nose. Anyway what exactly are you making with the potatoes?"

"Potato porridge, is that okay with you?"
"Yeah" he looks at the TV " Glass" he says boredly.

"It's the best movie of all time"
"Really? Why?" he asks amused.

"The whole multiple personality thing is so cool, I'm jealous"
"Jealous? Suhaiba you're jealous? Is it a joke to you? Someone's sickness is an amusement for you?" he suddenly starts getting pissed. His face seemed normal, like very normal but his voice sounded angry.

"I'm just saying that I'm interested in the whole thing, stuff like that?"

"Really? Stuff like amnesia? Alexithymia? Those stuff?" he says sarcastically.

Yeah those stuff but at this stage I don't know if I should agree or just shut up.
"Why are you getting angry?"

"I'm not, just be careful what you say, it's not like they have it written on their faces" he walks out.


Abdullahi's POV.

Maybe this is the best solution for me and for her too, maybe it's better this way.

"So? How are you?" Umaima asks me smiling.
"You look exactly the same way I saw you last".

"So I don't look good" she pouts.
"No. I mean you haven't changed, I didn't mean it offensively"

She laughs "Abdullahi you don't have to explain yourself, I was just joking".

I smile "You can stay in Suhaiba's old room, she has packed all her stuff anyway, so get comfortable"
"Before you go I really want to ask something"

"Okay. What?"
"Can you take me to see Suhaiba tomorrow? I want to surprise her"

"Okay sure".
"And from there we can go see Amina, Salim might meet us there".

"Amina? You two get along?" I ask worriedly.
"Ofcourse. If you can remember clearly I stayed with your family for a whole year. The three of them might have been my juniors in school but they were my friends"

I stand "Then during my lunch break I'll come pick you up and drop you off. That's around 1pm"

"Okay" she says excitedly.
"Umaima you can't tell Suhaiba or anyone about what brought you here..."

"Your wedding proposal?" She asks raising her eyebrows.
"Yeah that. Can you keep it to yourself for now?" she looks at me confusedly "It's just that only Kamal knows about it for now. I want to tell everyone else myself. If baba or Suhaiba hear it from you they'll all feel bad".

"Don't worry, I understand"
"Thanks. I'll come see you after work" I smile and walk out.

I know it's going to be lonely staying here alone with Baba and that woman but she can't go stay with Suhaiba right now and I don't know why I don't like the idea of she and Amina being friends but unfortunately there is nothing I can do about it.


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