My Pain: Chapter Fourteen.

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Hello Momma?

Yup. What's up?

How is my niece? My meema.

She's with Hauwa downstairs, probably sleeping by now.

Ahh great. Can I ask for a favour?

What is it about?

It's about Atiku.

It must be serious if you're not calling him Atiq.

Since Halim is his relative and at the same time a doctor can you ask him about Atiku? And if he can help convince him to go see a doctor, a therapist.

Therapy? Sorry but I can't.

What? Why not?

If things get messed up you're going to end up blaming me or worse Halim and I really don't want anything that might cause my husband disrespect especially not because of me.

What are you talking about? Me?

That's the way you are Suhaiba, if things don't go as planned you blame other people for it. And I know first hand that if anything went wrong especially with Atiq you'd come blaming Halim and I. I don't want him getting into all that drama. He and Atiku aren't even close, they hardly talk anyway.

Oh. So you won't?

You can ask me for any favour, just not anything regarding Atiku, please.

And you call yourself a friend?

I am but I'm married now, I can't just think about myself alone. I have to go I need to get to the restaurant.

I end the call.

I can't believe how selfish Amina has become, all she ever cares about is herself. She can't even help a friend.

I get back to Abdullahi, I was going to make the call when he came so immediately he got in I ran to make the call.

I sit on the couch with a huff.
"What's going on?" he asks worriedly.

"I asked Aminah a favour but she openly declined. Apparently if things don't go the way I want I blame people and she doesn't want me blaming her husband. He can really be selfish"

"Everywhere I go" he says absentmindedly.

"Never mind. There must be a reason, I can't say anything because it's between you two. But what favour did you ask her?"

"Nothing important".
"It must be if you're asking for her husband's help".

"It's about Atiq"
"No wonder she declined" he replied rolling his eyes.

"What's that supposed to mean?"
"Whenever anyone says anything regarding Atiq you get defensive especially if it's not something positive".

"It's because I have to stand by my husband"
"That was even before you knew you were getting married".

"But now I am" I say getting angry.
"You're defensive with your husband but she can't defend her husband?"

"You're a guy you won't get it"
"I doubt it's because I'm a guy" he says back.

"You are always on her side".
"Stop saying nonsense, I'm not even here to talk about that"

I raise my eyebrows "What is wrong?"
"The reason Umaima came to Kaduna is because we are getting married".

"What?! Why didn't she tell me? Why didn't you tell me?"
"I told her not to tell you because I wanted to tell you myself".

"But still" I frown.
"I don't need to inform you before I do anything, you just do whatever you like and I don't question you so from now on don't ask me why I don't tell you stuff. The only reason I did is because I want to"

I stare at him surprised, it was not like I was judging him.
"Don't look at me that way, you do something wrong and then you judge other people".

"Okay. I should help her with the wedding preparations then".
"There's no wedding, it's only the Daurin Aure".

"But why—" I pause "I mean...Allah ya kaimu".
He smiles "I prefer it that way"


Abdullahi's POV.

Kamal walks into my small living room, staggering and falls on the couch, looking lost and miserable.
"What happened?" I ask.

"Remember when my father said he wanted me to escort him and some of my uncles to a friend's house?"

"Yeah? So?" I sit up curiously.
"If I had known he was planning on getting me married I wouldn't have gone wallahi".

"Wallahi. It was when I got there that I realized what was going on but it was too late".

I'm sure it wasn't late but he couldn't say anything about it. Kamal is the type who never said anything at all. He just agreed with whatever his father says. Even if he gives him options to choose from...Instead Kamal will tell his father to choose what's right for him.
He fears the man so much.

"So...You're telling me that you're married?" I ask amused.
"Yes. Baba said she should be taken to my apartment for now, while we are looking for a house. They even prepared her suitcases"

"Wow! It was well planned" I laugh.
"It's not funny. She's ugly and not my type".

"But you're now married, if you want to live a peaceful life with your father then you better do the right thing, don't mess things up".

"I'm officially screwed!!" he yells burying his head in his hands "Now I have to go meet my bride".

"Wow! I'm so happy for you brother, I really am".
"Just shut up! Keep mocking me all you want, you're also getting married to someone you don't love".

I smile "Yeah but I chose to".
Internally I was feeling broken, I got broken the moment Amina and I were caught back then. I doubt I'll ever be fixed again.


Suhaiba's POV.

"Korean series? Really?" Atiq says when he walks in.
"I said the same thing until I started watching it"

"Oh God! I thought I would stop seeing all these Asian people in my own home but apparently my wife likes watching it too. Did you start watching it with your friend?"

"Amina doesn't watch Korean series, she's into all those American movies" I say disgustedly.

"And you find it appalling? You're really something else. Wow!" he picks up his keys from the TV stand "I'll not be back in time for dinner".

"Okay. Be safe"
He just waves his hand and walks out.


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