Return wishes

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The pain of the visions had been steadily getting worse. But one day, without warning, they stopped. You didn't know why, they just did. You told the team and they looked in panic at one another. "What's wrong?" You ask them a feeling of dread settling in your stomach. Owen leans forward "well we all had a few theories as to why you had those um vision things and our most plausible idea was that it was the life and memories of someone and that when you stopped seeing them it well it meant that they were dead". You stare at him blankly "you mean they're dead... but .. th... those were jacks memories weren't they... he can't die he can't be dead" you manage to stutter as tears welled up in your eyes.

Later that day, the day which had been spent mostly sullenly sulking in jacks office. You heard a noise. It was a noise you hadn't heard in so long. It was a noise the caused you to rush from the office to the hub where, sure enough, the tardis was materialising. You all waited in anticipation as the tardis doors opened. "Sorry just popped out wasn't gone long.... was I?" The doctors voice tailed off as he set eyes on you angrily stalking towards him. "FOUR MONTHS AND EIGHT DAYS" you shout in his face. "Well technically that would be four months a week and a day" the doctor corrects you tentatively. Something inside you snapped, after all you knew you had missed the time lord really, and you threw your arms around the doctor. "OH!" The doctor exclaimed "also. Look who I found floating around in space two billion years before the creation of the earth." He moved out of the doorway and a smirking jack harkness made his way forward "hey kids ... you miss me?" He says as he looks around the room. "Wait a second where... where's ianto" he said as he realised the Welshman was missing. "He's not been here since you left we'll have to explain later for now you are coming with me" Owen babbled as he grabbed you and jack by the arm and pulled you to the med bay. The doctor followed looking distinctly confused, but then, when didn't he?

"Alright so y/n has been having these vision things, and I want to get to the bottom of them." Owen started before he was cut off by jack "Wait Wait vision things ?" Jack said worriedly glancing at you. You nodded "started the moment you got taken". The doctor leant over "didn't get any better then??" He asks as you shake your head "no they got worse actually". Owen carried on "anyway they seemed to be jacks memories and where he was  which we now know was true as he was in space so when they abruptly stopped we thought you had died .. for good .. but you're here so I want to figure out what happened.

After an hour of examination and blood tests Owen finally stood back "can't find an explanation. The only thing is obviously the dna tests stating you're twins." An expression of realisation dawned on the doctors face "OF COURSE!" He shouted excitedly as everyone else looked at him in confusion "you're twins! Not just twins your immortal twins with a basic level of psychic training." You frown slightly "we were communicating??" You ask but the doctor shakes his head "no. What was sort of  happening was when jack was in deep space with no oxygen he was dying over and over and over every time he died his memories and what he could see was almost flashing in front of his eyes coping with the death and because of your psychic training you could see and feel it all AND that's why it stopped when I found jack and picked him up" he explained looking triumphant. "But doctor" you ask "why wasn't that happening before". "Well it might have had something to do with the fact that although you both were exposed to the time vortex when you used those horrible vortex manipulators .. you had not been exposed to it for a long period of time until we stopped there in the tardis to sleep, but also probably because every time he died he had you in his mind so it transmitted to you because all he wanted to do was get back to you". You and jack both nod slowly "but I saw yours didn't I doctor about your planet?". The doctor smiled "sort of you had just experienced the first one your mind was open and I was planning on telling you anyway your psychic training just meant you read my mind in the form of memories. You smiled at the doctor for a second too long as jack cleared his throat "well if you don't mind I want to find out why my boyfriend isn't here" he says loudly only noticing a second too late that he called ianto his boyfriend.

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