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It was a typical Friday evening for you. You danced around your room to -insert favourite song- belting the lyrics as loud as you could. At first you didn't even notice the strange noise that was not your music but as it got louder you were forced to listen to it. You ran quickly to your window but saw nothing in the moon light. "Don't worry, only me" a strange voice said behind you. You turned slowly, he had a thick british accent, English you initially thought ,that was, until you realised the slight Scottish lilt on certain words. You opened your mouth to ask how he got into your house and to tell him to leave but instead you stalled and looked him up and down his hair was brown and messy but in a cute attractive way he wore a suit and a long brown coat along with white converse. "And who might you be" you flirted subconsciously, instantly silently scolding yourself for stooping as low as your twin brother jack did and relying on your looks and smooth talking. "Uhm I'm the Doctor"the strange man stuttered slightly, you instantly regretted what you did "sorry sorry i was just saying hello" you explain "I don't mind" he breathed. "So what /are/ you doing in my house" you asked curiosity getting the better of you
"Ah well you see my TARDIS needed to refuel and for some reason she parked herself here sorry for the inconvenience" he explained at top speed.
"Ah ok, tea?" You asked, unfazed, living with jack until he ran off had certainly taught you many strange things including what a TARDIS is. He had told you that the ancient species the timelords ,who were now extinct, used them to travel through time and space. You admit you were confused as to how this doctor man owned one but you supposed you'd find out soon enough.

The Harkness twins - tenth doctor x reader Where stories live. Discover now