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"Welcome to your new home, Bella." The woman smiled then I eyed the house, but I didn't like it.

"I hate it." I said and held my plain black backpack tighter.

"I wanna go home." I said, then the woman glared.

"This is your home-"

"I wanna go back to my mommy!" I stomped my foot, then she glared, but the man smiled as he kneeled in front of me.

"Bella, sweetheart, your mommy isn't here. She's... sleeping, for a long time. We're going to take care of you while she's gone, okay?" He said, and I slowly nodded. He smiled then brushed my hair back, standing up.

"Come on. I'll show you to your room." He said and led me upstairs, opening a plain white door. Inside, I saw pink everything and felt gross.

"I hate pink!" I said, then the man laughed.

"Then I'll help you design this room to how you like, how's that?" I looked up at him and smiled, nodding once.

"Alright, I'm glad. It's late though, why don't you get some sleep, hmm?" I nodded, then he left the room, and I shut the door behind him, locking it as well. I went to the big closet then put my bag inside on the floor. As soon as I had my pajamas, I got into them then climbed into the bed.
I jumped as something hit the floor next to my window, then I turned, staring at the boy that stood there. He wore a bright hoodie with dark stains and had dark pants, but I couldn't see his face past his long hair and the hood.

"Who are you? I'll scream, they'll hear-"

"Oh, you won't have time-"

"You don't scare me!" I snapped, and he reached up, pushing his hood back off his head. When he did, I saw he had big eyes and a long red smile.

"Do I scare you now?"

"No." I laughed, and he looked somewhat shocked.


"You look funny!" I laughed then started giggling, but I covered my mouth before I woke the mean lady and the nice man across the hall.

"I look funny?" The boy asked then came over, turning my lamp on.

"Kid, I'm here to kill you-"

"Why? I didn't do anything to you, did I?" I laughed, then he held his hips.

"You're a weird kid. How come you aren't scared of me, huh?" I shrugged then grabbed my pillow, hugging it as he eyed me.

"What's your name, kid?"

"Bellatrix Bright." I said, and he slowly sat on the bed, eyeing me.

"I'm Jeff." He said, and I stuck my hand out, making him slowly grab it and stare as I shook his hand.

"Nice to meet you, Jeff. Are you a foster kid like me?" I asked, then he shook his head.

"No, I'm not. I'm no one's kid." He said, then I reached up and felt his cheek where the red line was.

"Why are you cut here?" I asked, and he sighed.

"It's a long story, Bellatrix."

"Then tell me? I can't sleep, maybe you can tell me your story, and I'll fall asleep." I said, and his eyes got a bit bigger.

"Uh, sure, kid." He said, then I moved, laying my head on his leg and covering myself with the blanket as he tensed under me.

"You really shouldn't-"

"I'm scared, Jeff. That lady is mean; I don't want to be alone." I admitted then felt his hand hold my shoulder.

"I'll protect you, Bellatrix. Do you still want to hear my story?" I nodded against his leg then closed my eyes, cuddling into him as he told me the story of how he got so hurt.

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