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I groaned as I woke up, my whole body in pain, then I blinked against the harsh light and turned my head away to see some room that I knew, but I couldn't place it. As I looked around, I realized I was under hot blankets in a heated room, and my clothes had been changed. I slowly pushed the blankets off me then crawled off the bed, but I still hadn't regained my strength, so I hit the ground. When I did, something moved, and I looked up to see Seed Eater.

"Seed." I whispered as he came towards me, then he lowered his head, and I grabbed him, letting him pull me to my feet.

"Where am I, buddy?" I whispered, then he helped me walk to the door, letting me open it. He went through first as I leaned on the wall, then I grabbed his head again, holding tightly as we walked into a familiar hall.

"Wait, the mansion." I whispered as I recognized the hall, and we got to the open area with the steps, and I laughed.

"I'm home." I whispered, getting too excited and letting Seed go, then I hit the ground and cried out as it hurt my knees.

"What was that?!" A voice yelled from below me, but I'd know that voice anywhere. Jeff, I'm at the mansion with my family! I heard someone running up the stairs as Seed tried to help me stand, but I saw Jeff, and he grinned as he saw me.

"TRIX!" I laughed as he came over and dropped to the floor, hugging me tightly, then he let go and lifted me off the ground.

"We thought you weren't going to wake up!" He laughed as we went downstairs with me hugging his neck, then we got to the family room, and I saw everyone except Slenderman there.

"BELLATRIX!" Ben screamed and jumped up, abandoning his game in favor of hugging me in Jeff's arms.

"Hi, Ben." I said, then Jeff carefully set me on the couch, knowing I wasn't very strong at the moment.

"How did I get here?" I asked then Jane gave me a sad smile.

"Slenderman, he teleported you here when we found you." She said, and I tried to remember, but everything was fuzzy after Smile and Seed finding me.

"I don't remember-"

"I'd be surprised if you had." I turned and saw Slendy standing there with a tray of food and a steaming cup, then he came over and set it on my lap.

"Laughing Jack, help her eat. I doubt she has fully regained her strength." He said an,d Jackie nodded as he helped me eat.

"What happened after Smile and Seed found me?" I asked, then Slenderman sighed as he sat in his chair.

"Well, we heard Smile Dog howling and, Seed Eater also began to cry out, so we followed the sound. When we found you, I was sure you were dead based on how pale you were and how blue your lips were. It didn't help that you had been wearing soaking clothes, but Seed Eater was attempting to warm you. Once I had you, I brought you back to the house and, the girls changed your clothes. I let you use my room since it tends to be the warmest in the house, I didn't mind." He said, and I felt my brow drop.

"How long was I asleep?" I asked, and Clockwork sighed.

"Three weeks, that's why we were sure you wouldn't wake up. Slendy said-"

"Clocky!" Masky hissed, then I eyed Slenderman.

"You said what?" I asked, and Slenderman sighed.

"I knew you were alive, that much was obvious, but we weren't sure if you-"

"If my brain was still active." I whispered, and he nodded.

"If you hadn't woken up by the end of the week, Jeff was going to do it." Sally said, and I eyed Jeff, who looked guilty.

"I'd be happy if Jeff killed me." I said, and he looked honestly shocked.


"If I'm brain dead, there's no point in keeping me alive. It only makes all of you lose focus and make mistakes, plus it's not good for me. So, if it came down to it, I'd be happy if Jeff killed me." I said, and he smiled, looking happy.

"I'm glad you wouldn't hate us." He said, and I snorted.

"I didn't say that I would just come back and haunt your asses." I said, and everyone laughed as Jackie helped me eat, Ben and Toby continuing their game.

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